War Truck Regarding the succes of my previous screenshot called: Super Car, i decided to try to forge another vehicle. Many weeks later, i finally had the time and patience to create something new, and here it is: WAR TRUCK Screenshot This time around, i decided to add some extra scenery because i thought it would look better, and it did! Rate/comment/download/share/destory/shake/fly/duplicate, do whatever you want PS: I release the map later, but just to point out: you can load and unload the Warthog into the back of the truck
Alright, I thought I saw some spawn points used for color. So it really only comes fully to life in Forge Mode eh?
Not really actually, although i forged it the way i did, that you have a pretty big amount of lag if you look at it. But that's also because i gave the truck a actual driver seat + a forged interior. A couple of things would disappear when playing customs: The back and side light + the spawn points that i used for the rims and also the ''noble team sign'' that was made with a ''safe zone''. Nothing more than that. So it would look almost just as great. If i remove the interior in the front of the truck + the driver seat, i could use the basic model in any of my maps, but it would cost a lot of forge money though. So yeah, for now it's better in forge, but i might release the map in ''custom game sutible'' form.