
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vogeln Heart, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    Additional gametypes:
    Chess (I know not that big of a deal)
    Speed Flag

    2 Mounted Gun Turrets
    2 DMRs
    2 Needle Rifles
    2 Shotguns
    2 Needlers
    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 Concusion Rifles
    2 Pistols
    2 Plasma Pistols
    4 Plasma Grenades
    2 Grendaes
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Sword

    2 Ghosts
    2 Revenants
    2 Default Warthogs
    4 Mongooses
    2 Falcons
    2 Wraiths
    1 Rocket Hog
    1 Banshee

    Before I go into detail on this map here's what i was going for. The main bases are like Halo 2s Hemmerage where there was 3 floors and a flying vehicle in the bottom. After that I wanted enough structures in the middle area to limit views from one side of the map to the other to prevent snipers from being able to own the whole game.

    So Red and Blue bases are located on the same sides as the bases on Hemmerage. Both are identical except for the ramp in the front.

    With 3 floors the top includes a one way teleporter to a second base, a DMR, a Needle Rifle, a Needler, a Sniper Rifle, a human Mounted Turret, 2 plasma grenades and one grenade.
    The second floor has a health pack, a human pistol and a 2 way teleporter to the basement
    The basement holds 2 mongooses, a default warthog, a falcon, and a 2 way teleporter to the second floor.
    On the outside next to the wall is a ghost and on the opposite wall is a revnant. Wraith sits in about the same place it does on Hemmerage. 2 grav lifts are toward the back of the base to shoot you up to the ramps in the back. I didn't bring the ramps all the way to the ground to give more room for the vehicles to get around. the grav lifts will affect the vehicles but you can get them down pretty easily (except for the tank, half the time you will need to get out and flip it). So basically just drive around them.

    These 3 wall corners are on the top of both bases but only for capture the flag gametypes. This is to prevent flying vehicles from picking up the flag on top of the base on speed flag.

    To fly the falcon out of the base just fly straight up (It is possible to go out the back but it's easier to go up)

    There are 3 bases in the middle of the map.

    Red's second base.
    3 floors. You can one way teleport from the main base to the outside of this one. On the top is a concusion rifle, on the bottum is a health pack, and the view of the whole map from this base is limited due to the clifside next to it. There is a rocket launcher between this base and the middle neutral base.

    Blue's second base,
    3 floors like the other base and you can also teleport to the outside of this one form the Blue's main base but it has its differences. Since this base can see more of the map, the hiding spots (that are most likely to be used as sniper camping spots) have been turned into rooms that you can still shoot out of but limits your view. This also has a concusion rifle on the top and a health pack on the bottum. There is a spartan laser between this base and the middle neutral base.

    Middle of everything neutral base.
    This base is where you will find the neutral flag and bomb. A tunnel system makes up the bottum of it. One sword is located on the top that is easy to walk up to (as long as you know where and are not getting shot at alot). This base is made of rock and a human structure which holds a rocket hog and has a bunker underneath.

    Included in the middle of the neutral base is a health pack and a 2 way teleporter that leads to a banshee.
    On the top of the structure holding the banshee is a soft kill zone to prevent camping and on the floor right when you come out of the one way shield is a regular kill zone. This is low enough to affect someone walking on it but not the banshee coming out. It prevents people teleporting up there to drop down on the red's second base. Jet packing can get past this but at least you will hear them coming.

    Mini Stonehenge is located at an angle away from the red base to provide minimal cover on the field and to pick up a shotgun.

    A little crashed ship is located on the opposite side of the map as stonhedge for the same purpose. Except the shotgun over here is located on the rock on the right in the background.

    There is a plasma pistol on the cliff on the red side of the map and one in the cave on the blue side of the map. Kill zones surround the canyon. There are soft kill zones to warn you and if you get to much further you will hit a regular kill zone. Wraiths don't spawn on free-for-all.

    Map made by myself and my brother Joker Guaranted.

    The following pictures are of an 8v8 battle to give you a feel of the map.
    #1 Vogeln Heart, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Wow great map, add first I assumed this was just another crapy hermorage remake. But then after looking at the pictures your put a lot of time into the bases and the outbuildings. The one that really made this a great forge was the 5th picture down, with the red base and flag. The only thing that looks a little weird is the rocks in the middle (9th pic). Good job.
  3. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    Normally I am very good at taking critisism from peers to help better my maps. But no offence yours doesn't make alot of sense. Yes it is going to look a little bit like Hemmerage beacuse first of all its in the canyon and second the main bases are in similar places. Also like I mentioned that's where my inspiration cae form to build it. But the middle is far from any hemmerage type map made by bungie or even random. The rock structure took time to make the caves under it and to cover the right places to obstruct the view from both bases. The secondary bases are in the middle of of the main bases and opposite eachother. The crashed ship helps block some view when you are walking from Blues main base to the second base. And the stonhenge does the same for the red base to the cave. the point of the middle bases is to take cover or hold. I don't understand how you took them as randomly placed. And for theme not quite sure what you meant so if you mean like a back story or what the teams are fighting over i have nothing. It's just bases. But if you meant theme by what gameplay am I going for I was trying to combine close quarter combat with open space for vehicles. That's something that always buged me about the new Hemmerage is Snipers can own on it because they can take out vehicles so easily and can see 90% of the map. And close quarters on Hemmerage is usually confined to the 2 small bases or the cave's which can be hard to get to because of snipers.
    #3 Vogeln Heart, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  4. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm with Vogeln Heart. Did you even download the map? Or are you just going by the pictures. The back of the main bases are more open then those of Hemmerage as is the layout of each base. I don't EVER remember flying straight up through the base on Hemmerage. You? Didn't think so.
    Although the stone stucture isn't very attractive, it does feel good to go through. Really helps with Snipers as well. The bases (all of them) work great agenst both snipers and vehicles. Although I have to admit that the crash site does little when dgoing for the shotgun. At least the Mini Stonehenge has cover all around the gun. With so many vehicles present, one needs speed (or a vehicle) to get that particular shotgun. It also feels too far from neutral base compared to the other shotgun.

    Apart from that, the only thing I would change is the the vehicles. But not by much.
    -I would move the Revnants inside their base opposite the Warthog.
    -Then move the Ghost to their secondary base.
    -And finally I'd completely remove the Rocket Hog and place a SINGLE Waith in it's place. That or just remove the Waiths all together. Personally, I'd go with the 2nd option. That way it forces teamwork. One drives while the other shoots.

    I love vehicles but there's too many power vehicles on the map. A waith is slow and can be taken out by a skilled pilot or gunner. But for runners, two waiths plus to Revnants is just too much. I'm both a sniper and a driver and neither feature felt too strong or weak agenst the other. You seem to have solved the issue with Snipers owning the map only to turn the power over to the drivers.

    Great job!
  5. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    You actually gave me some good advice. As soon as I get my new xbox because the curent is red ring I will make some of those changes. I do like the ghost idea but as for the revenant. All the covenant vehicles where originally inside the bases. But becuase of that stupid glitch where it causes the vehicle to randomly fly off at a very high speed (most of the time killing the driver) I had to move them outside. Thanks for your input.

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