
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TheL337destroyer, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. TheL337destroyer

    TheL337destroyer Forerunner

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    Dome is a map I made that is both an Aesthetic and Fun Map to play on. It is Fairly Large, yet very easy to navigate through. It greatly support's Big Team Battle, and if not enough, then Team Slayer is playable too. Send back your feedback, and in time, this Greatly Crafted map might be in Matchmaking one day!

    Gameplay of Map: YouTube - Halo Reach Dome Montage- With some Delicous HALOxCAKE !

    Flythrough of Map:
    YouTube - Halo Reach Forge World Maps: Dome

    Weapon List:

    2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower. to make the teams power balanced)

    1 sword (In middle, to give a chance for both teams)

    1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel)

    2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house)

    1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building)

    1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building)

    3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both bases towers)

    1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building)

    1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter)

    2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house)

    Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map)

    P.S. - Once you play this map, you'll know there is nothing more to be added. The Two bridges give the left side an fast and violent are for combat. And the cannon mans on the broken bridge, give you a fast way to get to the other side of the map.

    This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed.

    Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback!

    Thank you everyone of ForgeHub!
    #1 TheL337destroyer, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  2. Blindsid3r

    Blindsid3r Ancient

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    overall a nice concept! The rounded building is very cool looking. My complaint for this map would be that, as it appears now, if you don't have a jet pack you're s*** out of luck. I recommend that you add more walkways/ ramps to get from place to place, especially the tall section.

    Edited by merge:

    sorry for the double reply. I may be wrong about my criticism but only a test run will tell for sure. I will dl and try it out
    #2 Blindsid3r, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Welcome, first of all, to Forge Hub. Your map looks aestheticly pleasing. But your video is way to fast. I would suggest that you redo your video and take your time. Maybe even actually WAlK through your video as human so that we could get a better idea of how to navigate through your map. I would suggest adding some supports to the supper tall building just to give a bit extra to the map. I love the idea of the broken bridge, And nice job with the glass walls. I agree with Blindsid3r, you definately need more walkways to improve gameplay. Good job.
  4. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Would'nt mind seeing some screen shots of the map and in game screen shots posted in the thread?
  5. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks to me like a end of mission sierra 117, when u go to rescue Johnson from the brutes.
  6. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with HaloMaster definetly has that look to it. I do like the cover and the broken bridge on the lower levels. I do have a few concerns that from a team perspective if your team own the upper towers on the one side I see no counter action to this (i.e. Sniper on the opossing(wow misspell) side). also could you please post a weapons list. I might get a playtest on this later and will update accordingly.
  7. TheL337destroyer

    TheL337destroyer Forerunner

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    Gameplay and weapon list.

    Gameplay (Skip to 00:36, my friend was screwing around. lol.):
    YouTube - Halo Reach Dome Montage- With some Delicous HALOxCAKE !

    Weapon List:
    2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower. to make the teams power balanced)

    1 sword (In middle, to give a chance for both teams)

    1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel)

    2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house)

    1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building)

    1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building)

    3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both bases towers)

    1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building)

    1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter)

    2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house)

    Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map)

    P.S. - Once you play this map, you'll know there is nothing more to be added. The Two bridges give the left side an fast and violent are for combat. And the cannon mans on the broken bridge, give you a fast way to get to the other side of the map.

    This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed.

    Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback!
  8. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Glad to see that you took the time to add another video. It did help to get a better idea for the map. But, In order to help with the look of the map I would suggest add SUPPORTs to the sniper tower. It would help.
  9. TheL337destroyer

    TheL337destroyer Forerunner

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    Reply to SquidMan33

    Thanks man, it means alot. And I would man, but I dont really have a clue about what your talking about. And btw, now do you see why theirs not really any walkways needed: Theres a two story main bridge, cannon mans for the broken bridge, and a walkway near the glass dome. Please play the map, you wont regret it, and afterwards tell me your feedback.
  10. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Alright you got a DL

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