Ferocious Kitty

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TheClubhouse, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Ferocious Kitty
    "Half the rabies, double the fun!"

    Newest Map version Download link - Sept 19
    File Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    8-16 players
    BigTeam Flags, Bombs & Slayer
    FFA Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, Jugger, ect...
    Team (4-8 players/team) Slayer, Oddball, Territories, Flags, Bomb, Speedpile, Stockpile, Bro slayer, Headhunter, KOTH

    Rendervid - Gameplay (Old version with bridges)
    Rendervid - Multiflag 6v6 (Old version with bridges)

    I've removed the bridges on the map. They looked good, and were working well, until people were becoming more comfortable with the map. Flag scores were becoming too easy, too quick. There was little reason to take any other path. I replaced it with the man-cannons. The mancannons are only accessible by jumping off a block in the center room, and you can't make this jump with a flag. So you'll still have quick access to the base, but you'll have to fight like hell, or hog it, to get the flag home. That's the way I originally wanted the map to play. I've also put the Rocket hog back into the map. It only spawns at the start, and never respawns. Its to add that epic fight at the start of every match (kinda like the sniper-battle at the start of every game of Narrows on H3). Also added another garage to each base, so players won't keep spawning at the same place when enemies are attacking for the flag.

    *The May 8 changes are:
    - Added FFA up to 16 players
    - Adjusted the respawn time for the crate in the center that allows you to use the grav jumps.
    - Fixed some Z-fighting

    *The May 7 changes are:
    - Changes to the base design. Made the lower enterance much larger (You can drive up it now)
    - Further reduces piece count with base rebuild.

    *The May 5 changes are:
    - Asymetric offense gets Wraith (No respawn) instead of Rocket hog (No respawn) to start round
    - Added Speedpile, Headhunter, Oddball (For Multi-team) and fixed up territories.
    - More corrections made to both respawn zoning & softkill rooftop

    *The May 3 changes are:
    - Added another garage to each base, to add additional safe spawning.
    - Brought the Rocket hog back. Only spawns at start with no respawn
    - Adjusted killzones
    - Small weapon movements

    *The May 2 changes are:
    - Removed bridges and installed mancannons accessible only by NON-flag carriers.
    - Enlarged the lower enterances to the bases
    - More piece reduction (Reduced another 10 pieces)
    - Made the Hog respawns abit longer
    - Now supports King of the hill
    - Added 4-player Multi-team (Slayer or KOTH)
    - Added a couple of Neutral respawns under the High-bridge.
    - Did abit more adjusting to the Kill zones

    *The April 24 changes are:
    - More piece reduction/replacement to get split screen to where it should be
    - Fixed one small Z-fighting spot that was found

    *The April 22 changes are:
    - New vehicle garage under the base
    - Added Assault/neutal/one-bomb game varient
    - Fixed Stockpile varient
    - More piece reduction/replacement to better split-screen performance. (I think it's ready now)

    *The April 16 changes are:
    -Decided that I'm going with the bridge version.
    -Weapon change. I had 5x Plasma pistols. Got rid of two and replaced with Plasma Rifles.
    -Fixed a Piece-merging issue, causing flickering.
    -Lowered the centerbuilding jumps, to easily access the bridge levels from there.

    *The April 13 changes are:
    -Did some more work on the kill zones.
    -Removed the bridge support posts (purely asthetic & they interfered with hog flow)
    -Leaning towards the bridge version as the final version

    *The April 11 changes are:
    -This version changes gameplay alot. It adds two access bridges from center building into each base.
    -Also moves the flags into the base.

    *The April 9 changes are:
    -Did some more piece reduction/replacement.
    -Adjusted the #clips on some weapons.

    *The April 8 changes are:
    -Worked on the soft & hard kill zones.

    *The April 7 changes are:
    -Removed two un-needed col. walls. Lowering piece count.
    -Reduced the size of the rock in front of enterance to upper-passage.
    -Replaced the rock access to the red base. Now it's as easy as the blue-side to enter.

    *The April 6 changes are:
    -Added a tunnel under the high passage.
    -Added grav jumps from center building into each base.
    -These changes are untested, so gameplay and frame-rate might be affected.

    *The April 5 changes are:
    -Added "cubby-holes" for additional and safer spawning.
    -Increased the spawn-time of the hogs to 60s from 30s.
    -Lowered the rocket clips from 1 to 0.
    -Added Loadout camera.... finally! :)

    *The April 4 changes are:
    -Now added more gametypes to the map. Stockpile, Headhunter, Territories and Bro Slayer.

    *The April 3 changes are:
    -Removed the back outside walls and garages.
    -Moved the flag spawns to a better location.
    -Even in Forge-mode its buttery smooth now, so hopefully this helps frame-rate.
    -Reduced the mongoose count by one. (Rarely used)
    -Re-positioned some of the re-spawns.

    "Rabies Edition" Map Screenshots:

    New Over-view with outter walls

    Showing the new outter walls

    Shows entire back-side of red base (With new garage at far-end)

    Shows the enlarged bottom base enterance.

    New grav-lifts that allow a third way into the base from center building

    Only access to grav-lift shortcut, and NOT accessible to flag-carriers.

    Showing the tunnel UNDER the high-passage.

    God's View of May3 version


    Map was designed for hog battles. The "w" shaped road forces the vehicles to keep that path, but allows the foot-traffic to take short-cuts between in through the buildings.

    Weapons on map:
    2x sniper
    1x laser (no respawn)
    2x rockets
    2x Grenade launcher
    Other small weapons....

    Vehicles on map:
    4x Hog
    2x Mongoose
    2x Ghost
    2x Rocket hog (Only on Symetric gametypes)
    1x Rocket hog + 1x Wraith (Only on Asymetric gametypes)
    #1 TheClubhouse, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2011
  2. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Like the idea, but please... you need to add aesthetics. PLEASE, i'm begging you. Atleast for me, the lack of aesthetics like lights, lack of base stand-out-ness, and seeing plain walls over again turn me off automatically. Im not trying to be harsh, i like the map and idea, but please consider making it more pleasing to the eye if you can.
  3. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    That is the most untrue and possibly dumbest post I've ever read. You should have been able to pull out of his very detailed thread that he's spent a great deal of time perfecting the gameplay. Aesthetics come after gameplay or not at all. It's up to the author of the map and if he/she chooses not to put any aesthetics in the map (which is untrue, because the map looks quite diverse and not bland at all). And whether or not there are aesthetics or not, your view of the map shouldn't be so arrogant as to say that your "turned off" by it.

    tl;dr version, gameplay is much more important than aesthetics will ever be.
  4. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Thanks nibbles. I actually always create asthetic maps, if you check my profile of other maps I've made, but I wanted to make a map that would play well enough for matchmaking. Even if it never makes it into matchmaking, I wanted to give it a shot.
    This map has had alot of testing, by many other community groups. That doesn't mean it's perfect, and its always under a state of improvement. I've been told by a couple people that you either love it or hate it. I wanted to make a fun, playable and working hog map..... and this is what I came up with.
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This looks like the beginning of an amazing map. DL'd and I'll return with some considerable feedback. The route the hog has to take in order to get from base to base is a wonderful idea, especially for objectives. I'm wondering which version I'll enjoy more, so for now I'll DL both and let you know!

    I can tell you have this map geared towards MM with the minimal object usage, which is something you really appreciate in a BTB map now a days. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on this one.

    [edit] What other groups are you a part of? I wish I had seen this posted here sooner!
  6. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I am a member at most forging sites, but aside from Forgehub, I mostly participate @ Xforgery, Halocharts & Forgineers. I like to get reviews & play customs with lots of different people to get more ideas on how to fix my maps up.
    Anyways, thanks for taking the time to comment, I hope you get a chance to play it and let me know what you think.
    --Most of the testing has been multi-flag, 6v6 or 5v5.
  7. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I have played numerous versions of this map and enjoyed them all

    The concept is original and provides good gameplay the whole curve with lines through sort of like a $ sign is great

    The less is more approach works well and the size is good as it supports 16 and under really well

    I think neutral flag would be a good fit for this map

    Great work!
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    I have tested this map a few times and loved the gameplay every time. The gameplay is amazing with the use of not only the middle road to the map for a pathway but you used the buildings as aesthetic and gameplay by allowing people to go through there to add to the different pathways a person travel. In overall with the multiple levels and the differnt pathways the map features a very interesting gameplay that can be both competitive and fun to play...the aesthetics I would have to disagree with cobalt. The map may not feature as many aesthetics but I believe this map looks very nice with the use of the grassy rolling hills and the buildings that the player must travel through...more importantly there is no frame lag from what I saw which adds to the competitive gameplay on the map...Now for the changes which I have not played on I believe this would help the gameplay for flag becasue the flag was too easy to camp before on the map. The map was still fun but it wouldnt be easy to capture the flag making a 0-0 game. Overall a nice map that plays amazingly....keep it up...
  9. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Thanks for the positive comments guys! I just played a few 2v2 on the map (not made for this small of party), and noticed I have 5 plasma pistols on the map!! Needless to say, I might be replacing a couple with something else!
  10. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    I played this with you with 16 player and GOdly and it was a great time. It got the right amount of long range/short range/driving sections that makes this feel like a very complete Halo map. I always think the simplest designs done right are the best and this is no exception. It reminds me of DTL or COsmic Rick maps just as well thought out. I also love having enough space to use my warthog which is a huge plus for me. Maps like these are what lure me out of mini game into competitive forum.
  11. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Thank-you for the comments on the map! :)

    I really did my best to make sure there was alittle of everything to this map (with ranged, closecombat & vehicle play all invovled).

    I have just finished many more updates to the map, and it plays much better than the previous version that was posted here on Forgehub. I'll try & get some new testplay vids on there soon.
  12. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I know this is technically a double-post, but I haven't updated this map in months, and I've made some significant changes to it. The older version was submitted to Cartographers, but has been in limbo ever since.
    I've added some outside walls to the map, making it feel more complete, and adding addition play-area. It also added many more safer-spawn zones. These changes should change the gameplay quite a bit, so if anyone is able to test or comment on them, that would be great.

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