Control of the waterway is a constant source of conflict SYMM SLAYER CTF 6-12 PLAYERS DOWNLOAD BASES AND START POINT THE RIVERBED AND HAMMER SPAWN MIDDLE FRONT MIDDLE REAR OBSERVATION DECK OBSERVATION DECK AND STAIRS SPIKER SPAWN Riverbed is a symmetrical team map using the back half of the island,it works best with 6 - 12 players but I have played it with 16 without issue Its not easy to sum up the map in pictures and words but it has been tested over and over and everything works as it should The water is at chest height most of the time and its quite difficult to walk off as there are low barriers and markers dotted along the edge you can also see the floor easily CTF and Slayer are recommended WEAPONS All weapons are highlighted in one way or another either inverted banks or capture plates there are no weapons in the bases other than a dmr and plasma grenade in front of the start point and another plasma grenade on the bridge at the water side of the base Along the middle there is a grenade launcher inside the obsv. deck Beneath that on the ground there is a sniper rifle Along the river there are shotguns on each bridge and a hammer in the middle On the middle structure there is a con rifle and a health pack on the lowest rear section as well as plasma grenades on either side on either side at the top of the front ramps there are needeler At the top behind the man cannon there is a rocket launcher I know it seem confusing from reading it but as I said they are highlighted and tough to miss Enjoy!
this is pretty cool, its a good design, but it looks a little sloppy on the delivery. except for the base in the water. i would suggest working on a V2
Its anything but sloppy if you would have downloaded the map you would see every single piece is exactly where it needs to be The pictures show parts the map from an angle you don't see so the 2x2 blocks on the middle look off from the back because the are flawless from the front, where most of the gameplay takes place The banks that are dotted around are there for a reason either to highlight weapons or to prevent jetpackers reaching overpowering vantage point sloppy it is not
Im sorry but I have to agree with Marcass2021 in some points. but in the meaning of sloppy I dont mean that you just threw some parts together, instead there might be some design changes that could make the map a little cleaner. In this map the buildings doesnt seem to have the same basic design. if you would make a main building that you like and then make the others different but in the same theme. a way to do that is to not use to many different parts. choose a couple of parts and make them in a repeted pattern or something ^^ but Im not allways right either. . .
Again this a really poor comment made by judging the map from pictures alone to call it sloppy is frankly insulting everything is smooth and plays well If your criticism was valid or constructive I would welcome it There is a clear and concise theme to the map as a whole with glass and blocks being used in the ob deck, 4x4 corners and the same glass and blocks used in the middle, rocks to create the riverbed and matching the existing map geometry, col. windows used to focus the action and block overpowering vantage points and towers linked by bridges in either base There are parts I don't like such as the xl ramps at the top of the middle structure but as I said they are there to discourage jetpackers without killing them outright GAMEPLAY > AESTHETICS This map plays better than it looks
Hello man, I like the way this plays & some of the looks, there are a few places and features I didn't recognise from playing, although it was on ctf and I was staying on mission target. The map plays well and the games were fairly even. The water in game works and adds more dimentions to the gameplay. I like the round room with balconies either side.
I like the gameplay of this map. It's very balanced and no areas are too overpowering or camp-worthy. HOWEVER. Agreeing with some other people who have replied on this thread, I believe that an easy-on-the-eyes theme could be created. Pretty much what this guy said. I like the map the way it is, but if you are considering making a V2, then you could possibly improve aesthetics a bit more. I believe that this person's feedback was in fact constructive. I would listen to feedback rather than immediately rejecting it, and criticism is always a good thing. People are trying to help you improve your map so it would be nice if you would welcome it.
Thanks Tim glad you liked it making a balanced map was my primary goal Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed the map but again a lot of the design is based on function not form. It would help if you provided details on what you didn't like I can see what can be done The reason I didn't welcome that guys feedback is because all he had done was go through each map on the front page and post something based solely on the pictures He wasn't trying to help he didn't even download the map nevermind play it I welcome all feedback good and bad but you must at least walk through in forge or play the map to have a valid point