Alkonost ß-Variant

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vaskadar, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Vaskadar

    Vaskadar Forerunner

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    Alkonost is a small symmetrical, partially submerged aquatic arena. The center has multiple pathways for the flag carrier to take. It is best played 2v2 or 4v4 on objective, or 4-way FFA gametypes. Any higher than 8 players and it becomes ridiculously chaotic.

    Things to know:
    Players can crouch underwater without dying. You can still fire while underwater.
    There are numerous spots on the map to evade enemies. Explore a little bit.
    There are four health packs. Two underwater, and one near each plasma repeater.

    Power Weapons

    • Gravity Hammer
    -Location is in the center underneath the Concussion Rifle. Respawn time is 180 seconds.
    • Concussion Rifle
    -Location is in the center in between the pillar support structures. Long respawn time.
    • Two Shotguns
    -Location is in base corridor, underneath the two plasma grenades on the left side (Facing Center). It is underwater. No additional ammunition aside from what's in the magazine.
    Small Arms

    • 2x DMR
    • 2x Plasma Repeater
    • 2x Needle Rifle
    • 2x Needler
    • 8x Plasma Grenade

    This B-Variant is what I consider to be better than the original in one particular way: tactics. You will not always find players in the higher parts of the level, since combat is more evenly distributed throughout the map itself. The origin for this map's name is the legendary Slavic seabird-deity named The Alkonost.

    Perspective View
    Bird's-Eye View
    Red Base Interior
    Red Base Corridor
    Blue Team Corridor
    Blue Team Base
    According to an article: The Alkonost is a legendary bird in Slavic mythology. It has the body of a bird with the head and chest of a woman. The name Alkonost came from the name of Greek demi-goddess Alcyone transformed by gods into a kingfisher. The Alkonost reproduces by laying eggs on the sea-shore then putting them into the water. The sea is then calm for six or seven days at which point the eggs hatch, bringing a storm. She lives in paradise but goes into our world to deliver a message. Her voice is so sweet that anybody hearing it can forget everything.

    Let the storms begin!
  2. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Nice looking map you've made there! I'm looking forward to getting some custom games on this map. The ecorations look nice too so imma give it a 8/10 rating
  3. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map has a very nice aesthetic value...the use of the water rocks, lighting, and, the metallic objects makes this map looks amazing aesthetically...the use of objects adds to this also and the map has a nice halo 2 feeling to it the way it is made...however the map does has limited gameplay becasue there is only one way across the could fix this by expanding the map by making more pathways therough the map...nice map though...
  4. Vaskadar

    Vaskadar Forerunner

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    Any feedback from playtesting would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the comments though! I hope to hear from you guys soon!

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