Rocket Runway [Prototype]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Talons013, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Do any of you remember the game from Halo 3 where there was one infected at the end of a runway with a rocket launcher and then Humans at the other end with mongooses? If not than I'm sorry that you won't recognize the somewhat of a remake.​

    Rocket Runway is my attempt to bring this game back. Only with a twist and turn to simply be better. The defending team starts with some rocket launchers sitting right infront of them along with two first person rocket hogs and a gernade launcher in the front. The attackers get a CP to allow them to capture the objective and do more damage with their AR's and two pickupable weapons (currently DMRs) In the begining they have 8 mongooses and later 4 warthogs. Once they reach the end of the run, they must either choose the left or right side to make a speed racer wall jump and get to the objective.​

    attackers spawn, NOTE: you must pick up the CP or forget about the objective.​

    The runway with some explosions. Like I said I gave it a twist and turn

    The speed racer wall jump I mentioned earlier. If you miss or don't make the gap then you FAIL and fall into the fail trap. There's a suprise there for you ;)

    Action Shots
    (reading the post is good too ya' know)​

    warthogs give the best pictures *sniffel* destructive​

    My most favorite pic out of all of them. Me (driver) and my best buds shotting stuf=)​

    more boom boom and a warthog apparently jumping 0_o (not speedracer jump either)​

    The "game-winning-mongoose-jump-in-midair" ...picture.
    Keep your eyes on the prize.

    End Action Shots

    I'm still making the possible game types for this so diffrent versions will come out along with the game types for them. Currently I have two but only enough fileshare space for one. Future games and map updates will be posted here​

    Run n' Gun - the first and best, so far, best game for this map. A territorys based game, drive to the other end and victory jump to capture and win. ​

    Bombing one-way - Assault based game. Grab the bomb and drive into the fail trap, End the game with a bang. still being tweaked​

    Floor it to score It - only theoretical, using the and insane gametype, drive the mongeese to the other side and score in your enemy's face.​

    This is only a PROTOTYPE and I have lots of budget left. Any suggestions or ideas for games or map tweaks are welcome and encouraged. Comment for my moral meter to go up!​
    #1 Talons013, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  2. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    I absolutely loved this mini game when we played it, and it is perfect for large parties. I can't wait till you finish it.
    Oh and by the way:
  3. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I wish others were more enthusiastic as you, but they seem to be too busy with the Admins and Moderators map previews :/ complaining alittle; the preview and testers page are almost nothing to non-colored members anymore. /complaint.

    Still looking for ideas and methods of new games. Also your credit will be put in the description and map post if you help out :)

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