Like "Blue Room" takes place high above Rat's Nest in two different, non joining rooms, equal chance to spawn in either room. Map: Pics: (Titled BattleNest) One FoShobi
Can you save the pics to desktop then upload to a image hosting site(photobucket) and embed them here?
barkus, its the rooms above the machine gun, and theres another one on the top of the outside part, its impossible to get a teleporter in there but some people found that you can put it right below and save it, when you spawn it justs sends you into the room. not much of a map, but a cool trick
In the future only include the name of the map in your title and embed your pics. Don't just link them and this place on rats nest has been known for a while all you do to get in there is get a turret in forge mode while a players on it and push them through the glass and have them go into oracle mode. Try to make maps not saying glitches aren't fun.
you float something up by the windows to the secret rooms and put a machine gun turret up to it. enough said.