A Vulture carrying vital information about the location of Reach has been shot down. The Spartans must secure the crash site, once that is done they must rescue the surviving members of the crew and bring them, along with the core, to the landing zone. Unfortunately the Pelican that was supposed to pick you up has ran into a little trouble, and you'll need to hold the LZ until it gets here. Use the Vultures turret to your advantage. Tier 1: Spartans get DMRs and a Wathog, Elites get Needle Rifles and a Ghost Tier 2: Spartans get a Mongoose and a Rocket Launcher that spawn inside the Vulture and a Grenade Launcher that spwns at the LZ, Elites get a Banshee and a Focus Rifle. Tier 3: Spartans get a Falcon and Shotgun, Eiltes get another Banshee and a Focus Rifle. Overview The Vulture Elite Spawn 1 Elite Spawn 2 Spartan Spawn Phase 1 Capture Zone Vulture Interior The Vulture took up all of the blocks, I even had to compromise in places just to get it all built. Any constructive critisism is welcome.
I think 2 banshees would be to many and overpower the spartans, and it would be nice to see some shots of the different tiers to see how they work. The map seems a bit open, and that there isn't much to it, but the Vulture did turn out great.
The Banshees would be overpowering if the Spartans didn't have the two Rocket Hog turrets on the Vulture, they're nearly indestructable to Banshees and virtually the only way to kill them is by killing the Spartan in it from long range. I'm trying to think of what to add, I'm all out of blocks, but budget isn't even half gone. Any suggestions would be helpful. I'll try to get some gameplay shots later, Basicly the Spartans capture the area underneath the Vulture, the ramp comes down and there's a core inside. Spartans have to take the core back to their spawn. Once that is done they have to capture the Landing Zone for 1 minute to simulate holding it.
How to make this map cooler: Phase 1: The Vulture is in the sky. Phase 2: Vulture crashes into the position it is now. Bam!
I wish, but that would require me to make 2 Vultures, and I used all of my blocks on this one. I guess I could try to make a mini Vulture that no one can reach, but then what would I do for the 1st phase?
This is really cool, especially since I love Halo Wars, I know how much pieces an aesthetic ship can take up (I built a phantom on my own map). Any more structure tho besides the vulture?
use walls and decorative to create a little tower for recueling and say the fulture stopped to refuel if you want to add an extra structure
I'm sorry, but I don't like the design of the vulture at all. I think you could create a better ship using less pieces by way of some creative forging. I know it's difficult to create an interior that plays well and maintain aesthetics on the outside, but I believe in you!
well... i was just thinking bout this, and if you can create a second vulture no one can reach, if you wanna have a trigger to make it go down, you could turn the falcon into a first phase capture zone, so that when they get into it at the beginning, it ends the first phase, causign the vulture to crash, leaving only two phases to work with. just an idea, not sure itd work or not.
Kyle listen when both of us gets on we are going to test this out after we make some adjustments [br][/br]Edited by merge: This map is going to be great when we finish the rest of it