Hate Messages

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Josh1129, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. Josh1129

    Josh1129 Forerunner

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    Anyone get hate messages after a game? I have a few saying im using aim bot or only use noob weapons yes i assume shotgun is a noob weapon even when you rush with it. rockets was this haters main weapon with 8 kills mine was melee with 12 but anyways anyone else get any hate mail wether it be hilarious and ifyou have a link to the stats thatd be great
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I get messages occasionally. I played a game of one flag on The Spire the other day where immediately a couple of my teammates quit out, then the rest joined after they realized it was a lost cause. It did something weird to the game that I've never seen before - we ended up playing 5 or 6 rounds instead of the usual four, and I was on defense back to back (once before the last of my teammates quit, and then again right afterward). The whole game was screwed up. I don't like to quit games very often (saving it for the rare rage quit), so I decided to just make the best of a horrible situation. When I was on defense, I ran to get the banshee and got a few kills before they blew it up and capped my flag. When I was on offense, I just went into the base of the spire and hung out there - kind of hiding, but with the intent of fighting anyone that came in. After the game I got a message from a guy who said I was hiding and was a ***. I just said "u mad bro" to get under his skin, and we got into a pretty stupid little verbal battle. Surprisingly he never sent me the usual "1v1" request.

    I feel like I got more hate mail in Halo 3 than I do in Reach, though. No idea why. I used to get 1v1 challenges all the time, which I usually ignored. One time I won a game of rumble pit by hanging out around gold lift on Construct (the only way to fly!), and I killed this other guy at least half a dozen times when he was trying to do the same thing. Afterward his pride was hurt, apparently, so he 1v1'ed me and I jumped in 'cause hey, why not. What I didn't realize was that it was 1v1 on MLG Guardian, with MLG game settings. I never play MLG, I haven't played without trackers since Halo CE, and I didn't know all the changes they made to the map to weapon locations and so forth. So naturally this douche scooped up all the power weapons that still existed (while I went looking for ones that didn't) and sat in snipe tower and drilled me a bunch. Good times! I have turned down 1v1 requests ever since then.
    #2 Nutduster, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  3. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I get hated messages sometimes, mostly from stupid and/or young teen douches. Last time I got one because I got the hammer on powerhouse EVERYTIME it spawned, and got at least 5-7 kills with it every time (not really on purpose, just happened to be there when it spawned, i don't usually camp weapons). So of course after the game one guy calls me a hammerwhore, and wants a rematch. he had a party of 4, i had a party of 4, so we just stayed in the match. next match was countdown, we won again and my tool of destruction was the MAG, didn't grab a power weapon the whole game. THEN the guy who was talking **** in the first place said I have no life and play halo too much.

    So I'm either a noob who is sticking with nooby weapons cause I have no skill, or I'm a loser with no life that plays way too much halo and thats why I'm good.

    You know what I think when one guy on the other team dominates and i can't seem to kill him no matter what? Usually that he's better than me. Its amazing how tough it is for some people to admit that to themselves.
    #3 IH8YourGamerTag, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I actually had some kid in a game yesterday who was ranked higher than me, calling me an idler and talking crap about me. Unfortunately, I didn't hear everything because I didn't have my headphones on... and this was in firefight limited... in the lobby, no less. I think he was talking crap about my armor or something. He had one more death than me... and about 10 more kills. I had tons more medals than him, though... and I'm General Grade 4 with about 500 less games than the twat... and he has 250 more games of Firefight than me.

    I just laugh and kick ass.
  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Although the people mentioned above sound like absolute douches, nothing beats the messages I got a couple times in Halo 3. I was playing Team Snipers and twice in a row my team had to play with these obnoxious 12 year-old British kids. We beat them miserably both times and after the second game he sent me (and the rest of the players on my team) pictures of the Twin Towers they had forged with hornet's and banshee's crashing into them with a message like "Happy 9/11 day!" And no, it wasn't September 11th.

    What. Little. Douches.
  6. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    The other day I got on odd message... It was "Oh my god, you killed me 5 times in the freakin' mongoose you ******! You work Bungie?"
  7. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    I was playing some Team Doubles the other day and me and my friend are ok...but we probably only win 50% of our games...sometimes dominating the opponent and sometimes getting absolutely dominated.

    Anyway, we get teamed up with some guys that are like Mythic or Noble or something with names that appear to be part of a clan and we get destroyed. Lost like 25-5 or something retarded like that. Of course they are tea bagging at every chance they can get too. There's no doubt they were considerably better than us and so as soon as the game was over I bailed out as quick as I could cause didn't wanna hear them talking trash. Well before the next game could even start one of the guys left both of us the same message and it was just something along the lines of "U suck".

    Like why even bother spending the time to message someone? We had already moved on and he's taking time to message us and tell us we suck. I don't get it. Owning us 25-5 was humiliating enough. Why rub it in like a prick?
    #7 CrumblyGranny, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Some people are just shitty human beings. There's no other explanation for it. And they tend to derive way too much personal satisfaction from being a little better than other people at a game.
  9. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I get them ever so often, and I used to get 1v1 challenges too. I also agree that people spend waaay too much time simply typing the message out for such a stupid reason. I played a Snipes game with randoms against a team of 3 and a random. One kid on their team lagged out and the rest had awful connections, and they beat us. Afterwards, one of them messaged us back and said we hostbooted and that we sucked.

    I also decided the next 1v1 challenge I get I'm going to invite to a game, and have a chess game with them on a map and gametype that are renamed so as not to give it away. Should be fun.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    exactly. its a level of douchiness that reasonable people like us can't even comprehend. its not enough to get the feeling of joy and triumph from winning a game, they also have to make YOU feel like ****. The best thing to do is ignore them, or laugh with them. they hate that.
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Guy (who lost in MLG): 1v1 me bk
    Me: What's a bk?
    Guy: It stand for bad kid. Like you becuz ur a bad kid at this game. ******
    Me: Wait. But I'm always so polite... And that was a very naughty word to say
    Guy: Wat r u my dad? Ass ****er
    Me: I think you just called your Dad a ****** and an ass ****er. Good job bro.

    *End of messages*
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I actually had the idea to do this - take a default map on Forge World, like Asylum or The Cage. Use forge to add a hiding place somewhere, or a teleporter below/off the map leading somewhere else entirely. Then as soon as the game starts, just remove yourself from it and see how long they'll keep searching for you. I'm not usually a griefer, but people who think 1v1 *****-measuring contests mean anything really deserve to get griefed.
  13. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Good Job Shanon! It reminded me of... a very long time ago when I'd joined a party with you in and this MLG try hard joined and asked you for a 1v1 just because you were a general, I remember you was all like "No, because I don't try to act hard over the internet.", and his response was "This isn't the internet, it's Xbox live!". The whole party bursted into laughter and he quit in shame.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    When I get challenged to 1v1s/2v2s, I take them to a map I made called "MLG Lockout" or any other famous MLG map name. The game starts, the loadout camera shows the actual MLG map, and the enemy team spawns into a pit of death facing a wall that says "LOL UMAD SCRUB?" while my team shoots at them with turrets. If they don't quit, we **** on them for getting unfrigginbelievables and killionaires on them. What BKs. :p
  15. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    One of my friends just sends audio replies when he gets stupid hate message and he'll say things like. "Would you please do me in the butt." Or, "Your uncle sucks good ****." Random gay stuff complete off topic. It's kind of funny to hear some of the replies he gets back.
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I reckon about 1 player in 50 is a total obnoxious prick. How do I know? Occasionally I send out mass messages to recent players offering invites to custom BTB lobbies. For every 50 or so messages sent, one person will actually takes the time to compose a lengthy and hatefull message about sticking my game up my own arse or similar.
    #16 Gazzaverage, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  17. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Haha great idea!
  18. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    What I've noticed is that most of the hate messages come from American teens or kids, thinking they're so good jsut cuzz they're American. The Teens are the low pitched a-holes who spend their entire life screaming into their mic and making us feel like sh't just cuzz we're from a different race. Racist-******-pricks like those can go to hell.

    Also a few from stupid British kids who speak in their high-piched voise trying to insult you cuzz they suck. Those kids are actually easy to counter, just go "Hey little boy" in a high-piched voice like 3 times and they'll go away.
  19. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Robotic computer voice: "you've got hatemail."

    robbieagray: "YESSSSSSS!!!"
  20. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    I get the occasional piece of mail, generally after I get owned by a 4-man party in MLG (which I no longer play without a party).
    I get more positive messages though, which is attributed to our great community.

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