The Asteroid Belt

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by RogueWolf, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Deep in space an asteroid mining station has gone dark
    It's not just rocks that lurk amongst these asteroids.
    This was found on the computer systems shortly before you boarded in response to a distress beacon.


    Once on board you'll soon find that the power has been knocked out, artificial gravity is offline!
    Fortunately there is just enough juice to keep life support running


    With main power offline the shields have been weakened and you'll soon
    find chunks of rock have made holes in the station!


    And if one of those asteroids slams into the station with enough force?
    It'll shatter and explode. You don't want to be anywhere near this


    Your team wasn't prepared to go space-walking! If you step into the cold reaches of space,
    get back inside before your limited supply of oxygen goes bye-bye


    Did you hear that? Sounded like it came from the ducts! Make sure you keep an eye out!

    SUNNUVA...BEHIND YOU! Looks like we've found what was abducting the crew!

    Too slow...

    IF you can get to the armoury and find something more than your peashooter...
    you might just stand a chance! Although if you keep pressing you'll find the big prize, a fusion axe (grav hammer)!


    Remember kids, these...creatures...are difficult to see! stick together, watch all your corners and for the love of whatever deitiy you happen to believe in - make it back in one piece!

    Thanks for looking, try it out! It's more than a little creepy
    when you can barely see th...WHAT WAS THAT?!

    Criticsm welcome! I've done some basic testing and it should be good to go :) Might work with havens, although sometimes it spawns a random haven which I have no idea where it came from....

    And no, I'm not a trekky but I thought that it looked good, so I made it so!

    #1 RogueWolf, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    It seems as if the aesthetics are rather hit and miss. For example, pictures three, five and nine look great, but then there are areas such as those displayed in four, six, seven and ten that just look average.

    The idea itself isn't terribly original, but it seems to be executed well, and the artificial gravity loss does seem to make it stand out a little more.

    In addition, the combination of effects and lighting work very well at setting the desired tone for the map, so kudos on that.

    The one thing that I strongly dislike, however, is the armory. In infection maps, unless the armory is impossible to camp, it shouldn't be included (and even then it should be advised against). The reasoning is that the proper sense that should be conveyed in an infection map is one of chaos. If the humans are all sticking together to make their way to the armory, then the sense is sightly diluted.

    I'd suggest spreading weapons throughout the map, in logical locations. In addition, spread spawns out, so that way each game starts off in a new setting for each player.

    If you need any help, send me a PM. Best of luck!
  3. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I'll admit that some areas are a little shabbier, the armoury being the most sparesly decorated and towards the end having begun to run out of pieces, however the overall main areas I find to be quite pleasing.
    Indeed most maps do seem to be set in space, however creating ventilation shafts with more than enough places to ambush from was the intention, so that's what I ended up with! Aesthetics came later! I also wanted to play with the idea of setting some of it in space with a limited time to get back indoors.
    I spread out the zombie spawns throughout the ducts, however the humans spawn together. Playing through it though, the zombies are damnably difficult to see so even if you could hold down the armoury, theres no guarantee you'd last long or even spot the zombies, or at least thats the impression I got when I was doing some rudimentary testing.

    That said, I'll take the map and fiddle with it, start to create something new (but using your suggestions) tonight! And thank you!
  4. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love that captains log intro for the map. You gave it a backround which makes us the viewer be like ooo wats dis i see!

    overall from the pictures the map looks great, Personal Aesthetics are not the most important, and in a infection game who is gonna notice a small area, while zombies are hunting you down. I'll download it and walk around in it and re-edit this post when I'm done.

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