Diurnal Slayer, Team Slayer. 2-4 players. Designed for free-for-all, 1v1, and doubles. Throughout the Halo games I've dealt with quite a few maps, and I arrived on the thought that maybe, now that forge is nicely tuned up, that I'd take a shot at making one myself. However, I barely knew anything about map or gameplay mechanics, so I mostly looked at the geometry of other shooters such as Quake and Unreal. One thing I've found in a lot of maps that I dislike is random cover, or just cover for cover's sake (random objects placed in a space). I prefer a gameplay style more focused on maneuverability, without the geometry of the map getting in the way. I grew up playing split-screen 1v1 with my older brother and 4 person free-for-all games with friends, so naturally I wanted to create a map that well suited that kind of gaming. The map has two floors, the main bottom floor, and the narrow upper floor. the upper floor gives the player access to the grenade launcher and sniper rifle, but leaves them quite vulnerable. To gain access to the upper floor, use the lift in the sniper nests. When I was making this, I ran into some frame rate issues here and there. I tried to get rid of as much glass as possible without significantly changing the map, but it is still giving me a bit of trouble in certain areas, so you might want to avoid split screen games for moment. If i get enough interest i might make a v2, but i doubt that that will happen. Any criticism is greatly appreciated. Cheers. Weapons: Focus Rifle Sniper Rifle Needle Rifle x2 DMR x2 Plasma Pistol Grenade Launcher Stackable Powerups x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Sequence 1v1 gametype gives you unlimited sprint and sets up the power-ups. The map still works with other variants of slayer, but the jet-pack would muck things up a bit, so be wary. I borrowed from the brilliant forger iTs NeXn. I highly recommend you check out his maps, especially sequence. its like this one, but much, much better. Screenshots:
Aesthetics are pleasing. I think that the items you used and the way you used them is interesting. The map appears to be equally laid out. But from the screen shots I see a few things wrong. The two sniper towers in the middle, did you intend to have the player have to jump to get across? Also, your spawns seem to be all neutral? Where did you place team spawns? And It looks like your map is big enough to have more than just four players. Also an effect would help to make your lights and the rocks stand out. But good job.
If you're new to forging don't get upset over that comment ^ This is considered gentle critiquing it's not harsh at all But anyways... I agree with SquidMan33 on this and it would help could I also suggest adding more pictures to create a better understanding of the map i'll give a download and try it out though
Thanks for the comment. I originally had more lights and effects but the frame rate was giving me issues so I decided that for now, I would just try to optimize the map for gameplay. The two top sniper towers form a lift going to the top floor, but to be honest, they're cramped, so I'll look into making some changes. I'll try to get a screenshot of the lift, though because it is so cramped, it might not help that much. The team slayer spawns, I just completely forgot about. Don't know what I was thinking when I posted last night, but I can easily go in and place some. I've also thought about the size of the map. Because I made it to be quite open I thought that it might work better with a smaller amount of players, but maybe that's just my no-internet-halo-2 1v1 on coagulation mind talking. I actually haven't had the chance to try it out with a larger number of players. I'll make sure to take that opportunity as soon as it arises to see if things work. Thanks for the view and the comment. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, this is my first post, so thanks for not being to harsh. I'll work on getting some more screenshots up. Thanks again for the criticism.
This is really good. The forging is neat, the aesthetics are very interesting and it looks like you got creative by using pieces of structure in different ways. Maybe just post a couple more screenshots of the map. For example: An overview. That way we can get a better idea of the map layout. Also, you might want to think about posting a thumbnail image, it will help to get everyones' attention and it also gives them a preview of your map. If you don't know how, go to "Edit post" Then go to "Advanced" then go to where it says "Thumbnail IMG" and copy the link into that box, but DON'T put the IMG tags, delete those. There should be one at the front and one at the ens of the pic. Hope this helps. Good forging and welcome to Forgehub.
Alright. I've added team spawns, a couple more pics, and a thumbnail image. I'm about to add an overview pic. Thanks for comments and the help. Greatly appreciated.
I like that screenshots you added. It definately helps. They revealed things that made me like your map a lot more. Now that I have a better view of everything I think that you are right. Your map is probably more of the 2v2 or 3v3 map. I apologize if my early comment appeared harsh. Just trying to help. But once again good job.
Hey man Ran through the map. Very nice. Like you mentioned, there isn't **** everywhere to break up the flow of the map. But straight to the point. Critiques - The view from the sniper spawn has some really bad framerate issues. It's a small area, but it's important. Power weapon spawns are high traffic, and need to run smoothly. The issue is coming from the fact that pretty much the entire map is visible from that spot. You should obstruct that view, or find some other way to reduce the visible object count from that spot. - Some z-fighting here and there. I may go through and clean up some of it for you. Most can be fixed by nudging objects a little bit. - You should provide one or two other ways to get up top. Also, I found it very easy to get to spots up there that I'm not sure you intended. I'll run through it with you some time if you'd like. Still, congrats on finishing this and getting it up, that's now both you and Phil who have gotten maps posted before me damn it
Hey Udix Welcome to forgehub man, I'm happy to see you working on forging its pretty addicting stuff. The map looks solid. I defiantly agree with you about the cover for covers sake thing, I find most of the time you just end up getting caught on it. I will have to try this out with you and your brother this weekend sometime? seeing as my xbox is still red ringed...