FARLIN SUPER HIGHWAY Created by chrisFREER and SynysterAndy Built in the early 26th century. Construction began on a new "Super Highway" and by the time construction was completed, in a matter of weeks, a vast road that spanned several miles ,passing the large city of Farlin, was revealed. However even this great road did not escape the Covenant invasion unscathed. The highway is still operational, although repairs have yet to begin, so feel free to drive along it; Just watch for...holes. This map was created just for fun and to have somewhere interesting to drive! Inspiration loosely taken from Tsavo Highway (Halo 3) There is some more out of sight. Not much I know, but its enough for if you enjoy casually driving about forge! And now for a quick view of the highway! Mind the gap! The covenant did a real number here! Thanks for looking, constructive criticsm welcome! Oh and I'm sorry it couldn't have been longer but we ran out of pieces! This is the second rendition of a highway, if anyone wants the prototype link , let me know!
more of a "race" map looks very detailed though perhaps you could make it into a race map? and move it to the race maps board, it looks very suitable for a race variant and has alot of aesthetic value to it but as an aesthetic map i can't rate it highly as a race map i give it 5/5 though
i actually built a map like this recently. its longer, and less detailed, but its meant to be a highway chase type thing, with covenant forces joining the chase after a small convoy of three warthogs along the way. it even has some collapsed bits like you did, sept i included an onramp like in ODST's highway level. (a revanant spawns in it, so coveys suddenly shoot out of it onto the bridge) yours is much nicer looking though, than mine. im probably gonna have to go and do a V2 or something of mine.