Search for the Skull Hello forgehub and welcome to my FIRST CO-OP puzzle in Reach. Actually, it's the first puzzle I've ever made. Yeah I know, Ticky making a puzzle? What the efff? Yeah I have always liked them and I am starting to get more interested in them now. I hope to make many more in the future. The actual puzzle is not too difficult. If you use your head you should be able to get through all of them. When I was making some of the puzzles I tried to make them fun yet somewhat challenging. I have tested it a number of times and the whole thing is definitely possible. It doesn't have a fancy story or anything, the goal is to just get to the skull. Remember, THIS IS A CO-OP PUZZLE ONLY! You will for sure not be able to complete it on your own, and more than 2 players would ruin the puzzle. The puzzle is not too long, (around 7 challenges) but this is my first puzzle and I will get better and make more in depth puzzles in the future. Here are a few pics, trying not to ruin anything. Hints and tips: Spoiler -The Custom power-up allows you to do damage. -You need your partner for all of the tasks, so don't try going alone. -Be aware of DEATH PITS. If something looks too easy, the floor is probably a death pit. -Look over the entire room if you are stuck. Sometimes you miss one crucial detail. -Take your time. There is no time limit, and while there is 1 checkpoint, if you die it will for sure set you back and just piss you off. Ok well download the map and gametype below: MAP GAMETYPE(mandatory) Hope you guys like it! Give it a go and tell me what you think. I already started working on my next puzzle map called Corba Bay, and it will have a story.
OMG OMG OMG this is such and epic map but im stuck right before the odd ball atm im attempting to get to it but i fall lmao il try again EDIT: done ^.^ il put the video on my fileshare
yeah me and my mate just completed it he was lagging behind and i was before the odd ball and i wasnt sure how to get past the big block in the way but then i just shot myself across like i said before the video is in my file share if you wanna see ;D
oh ok cool hope you liked it. Anything you think i should change or something you liked in particular?
hmm i think the golf ball respawn was quite annoying and that the fusion coils at the start respawned it made it a lot harder if you died plus the bit where you chuck the grenade well it doesnt always work for the second dice but other than that great new challenges loved it
Nice job Ticky. When we were testing it I kept falling into THE ROCKS OF DEATH lol. Did you ever make that part easier/non-killable? But the puzzle, besides that part, was relatively well thought out for your dirt puzzle, not saying I could do any better, my brain just doesn't work like that. The puzzles themselves were pretty descently difficult, but not smashingly difficult. My favorite has to be the dice part. Well, just good job and maybe see a Part 2 to your puzzle creations?
Not really a part 2 but yes another puzzle map is in the works. And Big Jacck there is nothing i can really do about the golf ball despawn time and the second dice part is supposed to be more challenging then the other one. Thanks for your feedback!
Ooo, a new puzzle you say? Sounds absolutely intriguing. Also, I ended up showing this map to a friend who really likes puzzles and we were able to finish it without me giving anything away. Kudos to him. On a side note, you aren't allowed to post anymore because you have 117 posts!
I almost forgot to comment on this one. Overall, this puzzle is fun for everyone. You don't have to be crazy good at puzzles to progress which I liked a lot. You included some pretty unique challenges that might stump some people initially. I had a fun time playing this before it was released and can't wait to see your next puzzicle.