Dumpster Divers on Garbage Shoot This is my first try at making a unique minigame for halo reach. The gametype is an adaption of the 3- plot gametype w/ 5 territories that act as hills all stacked on top of each other its a very tall map so it is somewhat difficult to get them all in a shot effectively. Basically there are two teams, everyone has lowered gravity and infinite jetpacks. Primary weapon is golf club and secondary is grenade launcher (just to add to the chaos a bit). There is a kill ball at the very top and bottom of the map. From the top killball there is a constant flow of vehicle parts and debris adding to the craziness of the map. Everyone spawns in a neutral room (you can only kill in the hill) and then you jump in to the hills. There is one hill at eye level 3 below you and 1 above. 750 points to win. If anyone is interested in playtesting with me send me a friend request gamertag: whiterice321
This looks really hectic and unique. I'll give it a DL on release for sure. I like how the territories simply show through little stripes down the side, it looks cool and is easily recognizable. Unique minigames are getting harder to find, but this looks like a great minigame gem. I have a few gameplay concerns, namely vehicle parts completely obliterating players and spawn camping anyone leaving the neutral room, but without a test run I cant be sure this would be a problem. I don't know, how has testing gone with it so far? I'd love to playtest and I have some friends who probably would too. I'll send ya a FR next time I'm on, GT: Scorch199
Have you thought about raising the amount of hills as you go further up or down? This way people have more of a reason to actually move throughout the entire structure. Even more importantly, it would make people less likely to camp spawns for a brawl and more likely to be traversing areas of the map. In example, there is a territory covering the middle of the tube (which I'm assuming is connected to that little spawn-circle), then there are two territories covering the areas directly above and below that territory along with three territories covering the area at the ends of the tube.