Ahh the good old days when there was no guns or knives or flying ships to shoot you from space. That's right the days of a man and his stick. Where you didn't live next door but next rock. And instead of having a problem and going to the legal system and having it make you wish you where never born you just walk about 5 feet and wack your problems away. If your arms get tired and you wish to take a break then have a seat next to a warm relaxing fire. It takes about 6 direct hits to knock out your oponent. Meant for teams of 2.
Wow cool idea. An overview of the map would be nice, just to get a feel for how big it is. Also an expliantion of the game type would help to get more downloads. If I knew a bit more I might download. Oh and great thumbnail image.
The top pic is how big it is. It's a very close quarter map the caves are pretty close together. Each cave is maent to spawn 2 people on a team. Other than that the whole basic gameplay is to run out of your cave and hit everyone you see with your stick.