I have been working on this map for some time now and I am having problems getting the assault phase to work properly. The bomb does not show up. This is how I have the plate properties. 1st plate Team/Red Team Physics/Phased Spawn Time/ Never Shape/None Advanced= Spawn Sequence/2 Place at Start/True Game-Specific/False Symmetry/Both Game Type Label/Inv_Obj_Flag. This is for both planting plates Team/Red Team Physics/Phased Spawn Time/ Never Shape/Box Spawn Sequence/2 Place at Start/True Game-Specific/True Symmetry/Both Game Type Label/Inv_Objective. If anybody could help me I would very much appreciate the help and thank you.
I believe the bomb itself should be set to inv_obj_flag while the plant points should be set to inv_objective. I'm not positive though, Ill get back to you.
No, you have to use an Invasion gametype that has assault in it to get the bomb to spawn in custom games. No one ever said anything about infection, thought you most likely meant invasion.