Ok so here's the deal i tryed to make a sig. But what happend was when i resized it. To fit,it got all blurrey can some one try and fix that. Please and thank you.
If you try to make it bigger theres not a thing anyone can do. Also, if you want someone to fix it you would normally post the picture -_-
The image isn't showing up. Try copying the url from the image and pasting it with the "insert image" tool.
Right click the little icon and hit open in new tab to see it. There is really little anyone can do about this; it is next to impossible to make something bigger without blurriness or pixelation. You will just have to learn from this and start with a bigger canvas; I start with a 500x200, then resize it smaller later, rather than the other way around. As a note; I generally find 500x200 too large, thats why I resize it.
There's an icon?? Good idea. I try to find large stock images like desktop backgrounds or something similar. You can enlarge an image and depixelize them, but it takes a lot of skill and/or luck
Yeah, you can smooth some of the hard lines as well as broad areas where gradients have been pixelated, but forget trying to keep any kind of subtle texture. Since i still can't see the picture the OP is trying to post, there's not much else I can say, lol.