This is my first map Hex its designed for team slayer. due to unforeseen circumstances I have not been able to fully test it so all comments and criticisms are welcome view from blue spawn view of the map centre Weapons: Shotgun Sniper Energy Sword DMRs Grenade Launchers thanks please comment Colefield
I find this map to be a bit small for any scale of gameplay other that 1v1 duels. Even so, the symmetry isn't radial, making the map a little uneven. It does look interesting, however.
Looks like a pretty cool idea. My only criticism would be that it needs more cover, most of the map is totally exposed which could lead to some nasty spawn camping
Spawncamping would be a major problem on this map, along with lack of structure. I recommend you add more structure to this to improve gameplay. However, the layout looks really good and everything looks neatly forged. You have a good start with this map that's for sure. It just needs a little work, that's just my opinion though. Overall, I'd say this map is solid and looks to have a lot of potential. Goodluck on future forges and welcome to Forgehub.