Enterprise Invasion (Beta)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Starship Forge, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

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    I've recently finished a Star Trek themed invasion map, but I would like some feedback before I officially release it.

    Here's the map's backstory: On a remote Starfleet R&D outpost, scientists have recently discovered a way of using transporter-based technology to re-arrange raw, simple material into new complex forms (ie, the replicator as seen later in The Next Generation). Unfortunately, before this information could be relayed back to Starfleet, a new alien race appeared, claiming that the outpost was on a planet sacred to them, and killed the entire crew. The Enterprise (NCC 1701-A) under the command of James T Kirk has been ordered in to secure the facility, and retrieve the research data.

    Unfortunately, the alien race has set up a shield around the outpost which prevents beaming nearby, and prevents travel on-foot to the outpost. Kirk's security team must beam down on the opposite side of the island and destroy the jammer so that they can beam down closer to the outpost. Once they reach the outpost, they must secure the area, find the research data, and return it to the ship.

    Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Required gametype: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details




    More pics here.

    Anyway, this is my first attempt at making a genuinely playable map (my previous map was a Star Destroyer from Star Wars that had next to no real playability). I don't have a lot of knowledge of how to create fair, balanced layouts, so I would like some feedback. I don't often play such maps myself tbh (preferring mostly races, aesthetics, and mini-games), so most of my knowledge is theoretical, and even then, it's not much (I'm mostly making this for the enjoyment of others to play than for me; my fun was pretty much just in designing it).

    A few things specifically I want feedback on:

    1)The loadouts
    This map will have weapons based purely on the loadouts (ie, no weapons laying around on the map). The thing is, right now I only have one basic loadout for all the phases, because I don't know what would go well together. I know I want to have Trek-themed loadouts (meaning energy-based, like using the focus rifle for the phaser), but I'm not sure what would pair well with what & what armor abilities to go with them based on the current phase. Also, since there will be no weapons laying around, should I use unlimited ammo (since there will be no ammo to pick up), or simply rely on players taking ammo from corpses? I do have some budget left over, so I can place some weapons if necessary (Trek-themed, of course; they would never use a DMR or assault rifle in Star Trek).

    2)Spawn points
    I have a few basic phase-based respawn zones placed for each team on each phase as well as backfield spawns, but I'm not sure if I have enough, or if their placement is sufficient. I also don't have any phase-based fireteam-independent zones, so I would appreciate any suggestions on whether I should place any of those

    3)Overall balance/gameplay
    Is the setup challenging enough to the attackers? Does either side have any unfair advantages?

    Any other critiques would be welcome (bugs, lag issues, etc).
  2. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    I'll start by saying that the U.S.S. Enterprise itself is one of the better made inside and out that I've seen on Reach. Most that I have seen have little to no interior and don't look that great on the exterior. Your ship is very well put together. There is some lag on the ship when playing but not a huge deal. When I played through with just a couple friends it was fun but I can see this being better suited for larger parties. Great job DL.
  3. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment. :)

    Yeah, I've noticed some lag, but mostly it's only while flying around the area in a banshee (I wanted to put a Falcon on the Enterprise, but it wouldn't fit very well in the shuttle bay, and every time it was flown it caused that weird glitch where all of the objects & structures in the map in flash in a cycle).

    Out of curiosity, what did you think of the turbolift from the saucer section down to the shuttle bay (assuming you ever tried it; it's only really useful towards the end, during the third phase when the banshee spawns)? I tried pretty hard to make a reliable two-way lift (most lifts I've seen, Trek based or not, work only in one direction, or at least favor one direction heavily over another). I like how it turned out myself, but I'd like to see what others thought of it.

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