SPIDER DOWNLOAD HERE Created by DirtyloChNeSs Map Description inspirations include mortal kombats the pit for the bottom rear and the famous "cage" Map for some of the extending bridges. The rest of my inspiration had to be what i wanted in a map. Long range battles, Close quarters combat, Ways to escape Your opponent, and ways to track your opponent Down All while having a great time. This is a Domination Map, Long range battles on top of the map, close quarters on bottom. You'll definitely want to check this one out. If you have any feedback you can pm me or post on the optimatch forums Let me know what you think. Made for team slayer or free for all. 2-8 players. Map OverView View From Rear Window In Ceiling Shotgun Base Top View shotgun base Bottom View Shotgun Base Shotgun Spawn Red Side Blue side Red Side Upper Walkways Blue Side Upper Walkways Lower walkway Red SIde Lower Walkway Blue Side Cuncussion rifle spawn Sword Spawn Rock Pit Bottom Teleporter ▼DIrtyLOchness Makes Awesome Maps Check em Out and Thx For looking any comments email me @davidreedwilcox@gmail.com ▼ [br][/br]Edited by merge: u need to addd a thumbnail
Great map, i will give this a download. By the way i clicked the download link and A message appears saying that the link is broken everytime i click on it. So u can fix it or this message only appears with me. Just letting u know about the problem
This map looks absolutely craaaazzy. I cant believe how much structure is all put together like that, it looks like there are a million pathways and height variations. This looks like one of the most fun maps to play on. Although, you used quite a few pre-forged structure, you managed to blend it in well. The rocks, in my opinion, don't fit well with this map. I think you should remove those completely. It's nice that you tried to add a little touch of natural enviornment into the map, but it just doesn't fit well. Also, I do like that you incorporated water into the map. Maybe make a small pond and put some rocks in there so that way it looks like the rocks fit in better. I don't know, but that's just my opinion. Good work and welcome to Forgehub.
This map is huge...are you sure you couldnt play this on btb? well anyways there is good cover the aesthetics are there and the multiple pathways and levels will create a map with multiple ways the map could play out...the varity of objects is very nice and I love how you use them to define different areas...the use of rocks and water to add aesthetics and to define differnet levels is also very nice way to get the map going...nice map with nice aesthetics and gamplay...think about making the map for btb caus the map is big or at least it looks big in the pics...
. hey guys thx for input yeah ill try to take the rocks out i ran out of ideas or steam for that matter ive got another map as well will post soon