:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Holdout: Requiem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I realy enjoyed making this map. I spend a total of 20 hours on this making it just perfect. I added a couple of switches and secret rooms to make this map more interresting and fun for the whole party. ( <- Youtube video at the bottom) General Settings: - 10 Rounds - 4 Mins each round - Humans cannot kill each other - It will get increasingly darker at 1 min into the game and 2 mins into the game. Gametype Info: I made it so that the zombies are fairly easy for the humans to kill. Actually 1 shot in the head kills and 3 shots (with the magnum) in the body. Now you might think for yourself that this would just make this gametype to the ones where the humans are having a slaugherfest on the zombies. Well, then you're wrong. The humans will eventually run out of shots and won't be able to run away because of the zombies agility and speed. Humans - Starts of with 1 frag and a magnum - 100% Damage by shooting - 50% Damage by melee - Normal sensor, 10 meters - Normal movement - Normal health/shield - Disabled vehicledriving Zombies - 100% Health - No shields (No recharge - 200% Melee damage - 150% Speed - 125% Jump height Weapon Info: All weapons is set to never respawn.. So be aware of wasting shoots.. You will need those bullets.. Weapon Type - Extra Mags - Amount Of This Weapon DMR ---------- 0 Mag ------ x6 DMR ---------- 1 Mag ------ x3 Sniper -------- 0 Mag ------ x1 Sniper -------- 1 Mag ------ x2 Shotgun ------ 0 Mag ------ x4 Shotgun ------ 1 Mag ------ x2 Magnum ------ 1 Mag ------ x8 Magnum ------ 2 Mag ------ x3 Rocket ------- 0 Mag ------ x1 Rocket ------- 1 Mag ------ x1 Frag x7 Map Overview/Weapon Overview: Gameplay Overview: Walkthrough Videos Of Map: YouTube - Holdout :: Overview Of The map YouTube - Holdout :: Switches and Secret Rooms *SPOILER* Remember to download! Put a lot of effort into this! Enjoy! Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
I must say this place looks very well made. I like the positioning of your buildings and how they look aesthetically. Is there anything in the zombie hive or is it just a cave? I also like the idea of the day changing. Also overall very aesthetically pleasing.
wow very nice! I love the idea of secret rooms and its been a while since I've seen a really good holdout style infection map! The only criticism I have for you is that some of the minor buildings could have had more detail. Great layout, cool zombie spawn and overall a pretty awesome looking map. good work
Great Idea with the Day-to-Dusk-to-Night time change. It really made the map. The large building that has the wall curved is aesthetically pleasing. But I'd have to say that the smaller buildings are plain and boring:/. So are the warthogs and mongeese for looks? I really like the location you chose to position your map. Did you consider including the rocky slope behind the map? Anyway overall good idea and a well made map. But I am also curious about the Infection cave.
Well, it's a cave with some extra rocks.. The cave isn't the main part of the map.. Zombies spawn all the way into the cave at the beginning of the game so that the humans have some time to grab some weapons etc.. I almost run out of cash and other materials so I found it very hard to decorate some buildings.. Sadface
Hello, I like this map! Firstly great work on the map and post, great description and map pictures. I really like how you have the ways the infection spawn and move and the spartans. Really know what I have to do before I even start the infection mission. Also great that I know where to find all the weapons! A great presentation. The map looks cool with a nice balance of structure and natural land, rocks and grass. I like that you phase in the darkness, really adds to the atmosphear of game! Great job
I like how you did this map but there are some concerns -I did something almost exactly like this on Halo3 called urban panic and urban chaios. I had the zombies wait in a chamber for a min and than they came out along with the dark FXs. On urban panic, they were teleported to the humans starting point to simulate the chase of the undead. This didn't work out so well... mainly because everyone knew where the infected came from. You have the same problem. (If you want proof ask Zow Jr, he's played it before) -All I see on the weapons list is headshot weapons and explosives. With the zombies having no sheilds, this is a problem. More fully auto weapons in place of some of these weapons will ballence this out. Sorry I didn't look at this when you asked me to, I haven't been on here latly =)
Yeah I might do that.. Take away some magnums and DMRs and put in some AR's.. And decorate my map a bit more.. Holdout: Requiem V1.1? And I might change the spawn a bit.. But I'm quite sure that the humans will have a hard time killing the zombies because there's like 4 different places to spawn and they're all closed off so that the people standing on the buildings can't shoot em.. But if the humans come close to take them out then that might not work either because the zombies will spawn different places and can easily take the spawnkilling humans out.. But I get your point. I'm going to add something safe for the zombies to pop out of..
Well your spawn system looks ballenced (unlike urban panic) It's just that a map is always more fun when the undead come from every angle. I'm merly suggesting this for the feel of the map, which I find, sometimes, to be just as important as gameplay. It's only a suggestion and dosen't actualy HAVE to be fixed. However I feel like the weapons do... so go ahead and do that.