FOREST Hi, this is my second map post here, after shoreline, if you want to see this one here is the link; this isn’t the best I have done, but I have taken the ideas from the first map I liked and changed the gameplay style quite a lot, more vertical for the competitive play and the new map has a quick movement for some of the more powerful weapons. So, without further adue…. I present FOREST THE MAP This is based again on one side of the island, with teams constantly fighting it out for the high ground, the main power weapons are situated along the lower levels since the team at the top has an overall height advantage in the map, although many may camp up there it is very easy to access as you will see, the game has been play tested on swat, team slayer and also slayer, and played very well, the more brave and competitive players soaked up the action from the centre of the map… WEAPONS -concussion rifles= 1 -focus beam= 1 -plasma pistol= 1 -plasma sword= 1 -needlers= 2 IMAGES RED SIDE BLUE SIDE Thanks for your time, it’s really appreciated, if anybody would like to test it more thoroughly than I have, then please go ahead and give me some feedback, it would help me a lot when I want to release more maps upon you PS: if there is a jet pack on the map, then it isn't the correct version, just delete the jet pack
Is that a dam I see in the third picture? If so, wow, great job. That is really creative and looks really neatly forged. This map's layout looks great, the blending between metallic structure and natural enviornment is really good. However, the name of the map is somewhat...boring and used. Try to come up with a more creative name other than Forest or Mountainside. Most people come up with names for their maps in like 5 seconds. But anyways, this map looks really fun to play on with all of the trees and diferent pathways to go. Good map and welcome to Forgehub. Edit: You should also think about adding a thumbnail image. It helps people to get a pre-view of your map and also gets their attention to check out the map. I highly recommend you do so. If you don't know how, go to "Edit Post", then go to "Advanced" then go to where it says "Thumbnail IMG" and copy the code in there, but don't put the IMG tags in the box, delete those. There should be one at the front of the pic and one at the end. Hope this helps.
From what I can see this map uses the topography perhaps the best I've seen. Got to DL and take a better look, especially at that dam. Nice work. ROCK
cheers for the great comments!!!. I didn't expect people to like it so much !! if there is any way in which I can make it better just tell me... and i'm sorry bout the name, ha, my infection map I should be posting has a one word name, but it should be good enough...