Be careful; the furnace is still burning. 4-12 players. McHooby Map Pack (Part 2/3) This is a symmetrical map ideal for pwning n0013s. But seriously, check it out. It's great for team games. Weapwns: -Health Station x 2 -Frag Grenade x 6 -Stickies x 6 -DMR x 4 -Needle Rifle x 4 -Plasma Pistol x 2 -Plasma Repeater x 2 -Needler x 2 -Shotgun x 2 -Sniper x 2 -Rocket Launcher x 1 Love, McHooby
This is probably your best map of the three you posted. First, you have way more structure in this map than all of you others. Second, you have way more color in this map than your others. However, you really should think about putting a THUMBNAIL IMAGE UP. It really helps people to get a pre-view of the map and it also entices them to check out your map. I HIGHLY suggest you do so. If you don't know how, go to "Edit Post" Then go where it says "Advanced" Then go to the part where is says "Thumbnail IMG" don't put the "IMG" tags at the end though, delete those on each end of the picture. Otherwise, this map looks solid. Good work and welcome to Forgehub.
this is probaly the best one you posted out of the 3...there are multiple pathways and levels with different colors to make the map not look some metallic...the lighting is also nice on the did ok with aesthetics and in a way you made the pre-made structures work on the map...but you still have over powered weapons and you still could add soem cover to the map in some areas...
Glad I could be of some help. You have some forging skills, so keep it up and remember take EVERYONES' suggestions into consideration. For they will make you a better forger. Goodluck on your future forges.
Like EightBall said, do take into consideration everyone's suggestions, but that doesn't mean you have to change everything to suit them. It is your map. Do what you like, just remember there are some people on here that do a lot of forging and they do know what they are talking about. You've got a great start though. I'd downloaded and I'll hopefully try it out sometime this weekend. Keep 'em coming!
cool thanks bro. despite what some people may think, just because we like to use the landscape in our maps, doesn't mean that they are boring. we really made sure to take advantage of the landscape on levee and battle grounds. i actually enjoy those maps more than the factory. thanks for your comments everyone.