SSSHHH! Don't tell everyone! I suppose I might have got that itty bitty thing wrong. I built it using this image BLUEPRINT and also this campaign cruiser
The epicness of the ship is only rivaled by your post. It was a great and engaging read. Using the small circular inclines around the perimeter of the hull was new and creative. I definitely see the amount of work put into this. The back of the ship is also very distinctive. Nice work, seriously impressed. Downloaded and recommended.
I am astounded to recieve such praise from A True Legend Of Forging. xSoGx_Grim, If anything I make could be a 100/th as skillful as any of your work, I would die a happy man. Yeah it took me a long time! But being a daddy and everything takes up your spare time! Thanks for the comments, all.
DKFSHARIUHG How the f**k did you build that its the most perfect covenant cruiser i have ever seen!!! I JUST LOVE COVY CRUISERS!!!
I cant believe i dident notice this sooner, i love when people forge awesome invasion maps and concepts. The space ship looked amazing but then i read that it was an invasion game and i pooped my self. Not really but the map is still amazing im going to give it a download and play it later on tonight
You're too kind! Like I said, I wanted to make an accurate version of a covenant cruiser, 'cos my first Idea was to remake 'The Truth and Reconciliation' level from CE. That level sent shivers down my spine, and still does. However, budget restraints and playability forced me into creating more of a 'homage' to the level, and birthing my very own cruiser. Run aground on the Halo installation that is 'forgeworld', the spartans had to capture and disable it. I had this with me at all times so I could create the most to-scale version possible. Very very happy you all like it. A BIG THANKYOU TO ALL MY TESTERS, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!
PLayed it last weekend it have to say that it looks nice, but doesn't play that well. Maybe it was because no one was familiar with the map, but it was just an awkwards experience. The inside of the carrier just seems so... chaotic. There's no flow to it at all. It just feels weird. Didn't experience any framerate issues so at least that's a goods thing. Oh, and a lot of people died trying to use the grav-lift at at the same time. The aesthetics of the map are great, but you should work more on the functionality of the map. It has so much potential.
Needless to say, the Barbarian looks amazing to say the least. The outside looks incredibly smooth and very covenant like. The layout of the inside is very believable as well. I do have to point out that this would have been a hell of a lot better off in the Aesthetic section because it really does not play all that well. It was a good attempt of making eye-candy playable, but it just didn't work in this case. Aesthetically, wonderful job. Competitively, it needs some refinement.
Well it seems that different ppl have different experiences on this map. It Is a bit confusing when you first go into the ship, but most maps that you haven't seen before are a bit confusing aren't they? I think now that 12 ppl is even too much on this map- 10 is probably about the right amount, and just like all Invasion games- the teams have to be balanced. The game you played was unbalanced, it had 7 on one side, and 5 on the other side- the bigger team had 2 heros, a field marshal and 4 generals. The smaller team was made up of lt.colonels, a major, a commander and a brig.That's not really the line-up I intended for this map. I will recommend that no more than 10 play this game from now on, and If there is any more advice on how I can rectify the design of the ship interior then I will gladly take heed. Thanks Oh and take the grav-lift one at a time lolololol!
It took awhile to understand the layout of the inside, but once you got your bearings it seemed just fine. The only complaint I would have is that if you died way up top it took almost 30 seconds to even get back to the battle when you respawned. Oh and also I was a little sad that after 10+ attempts I couldn't manage to get a Warthog into the ship!
Yeah, the team were a bit unbalanced, but that wasn't really the problem. The problem is mainly the layout of the ship itself. Of course there's confusion because we didn't know the map well, but it still felt like the flow was lacking in the interior. I can't really explain it, but it just seemed like people weren't naturally guided towards a certain spot (the objective) which is what an Invasion map should have. I couldn't really tell you what you should change so you'll to do with this. Have fun. Also, the map supports 12 players just fine. It's big enough.
Thanks for your continued feedback all, the flow of the ship is designed around the fact you go up and around the staircases at the sides, down into the rear of the ship, cap the objective, then grab the bomb and go through the 1-way shields on the bottom floor and onto the bomb plant spot at the front of the ship. Most things that ppl complained about during testing were balancing issues between the teams, so the spawns and loadouts were changed to make the 3 stages progressively harder, which they seem to be. Have a look at this: ET VOILA! One done-in cruiser.
Wow, just wow. i never usually look in on the competitive section much, im more of an aesthetic map downloader, but this is absolutely awesome. The aesthtics are just beautiful, inside and out. Deffinately the best coventant ship i've seen made, and all of them are of a really high standard. The fact that you've incorporated invasion into it is absolutely phenominal.
lol i was just making a map like this with the ship hovering above and a grav lift to take you up into the ship. Needless to say mine is pretty sloopy an quickly thrown together. Guess i wont have to finish making that since i can just download yours
Aesthetically brilliant. I'm hearing some mixed reviews on gameplay. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. Invasion maps are usually very tricky to get right but it looks like you the flow is simple enough.
The outside of the ship looks amazing, thought the inside seems less pleasing. I understand a lack of pieces, but it just seems like the inside of the ship doesn't feel like the rest of the ship does. I had an idea to do this when I first got reach, but my version was... pitiful to say the least. We all had that first map though. Great job on this, it is one of the best I have seen from the outside!
Thanks for your comments and feedback all- I'm still happy with the inside of the ship and it's layout. Trust me I have NO budget left, the object count runs out so much more quickly than you would expect when you're forging BIG... but I still think that it's functional and ornate at the same time on the inside. When you get to zero budget it becomes "delete something to add something" time, and you end up chasing your tail adding and removing over and over, but shucks, we've all been there!!!!!!! Right?
WOW this is cool if you could try and make a midship remake in the center for the last phase you can have 2 maps in 1 and bungie will definitely take it just so you know
I love you. That ship looks -blam!-ing amazing, not to mention that gameplay is gonna be sweet on this thing. Add another download.