HaloBall Soccer Stadium

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by b0anerges, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
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    Hey guys, I wanted to get some suggestions from you for my next HaloBall map. The actual map is 100% done. I haven't been able to get a group together to play test it yet, but I'm pretty sure that the only work that needs to be done is with the gametype.

    First of all let me show you the map. It's an updated version of my old Soccer Map. The new HaloBall gametype let me save a lot of money by deleting the Stockpile Scoring system and ball return system. With the money I did more work on the stadium and aesthetics. I'm out of money and really can't think of any more improvements.


    View from the outside

    View From Above

    Length of the Field. Notice that the ball spawns up high so that it's not an instant respawn that someone can camp.

    Blue Team's Goal

    Circular ramps allow you cross the ball and keep it from getting stuck up against the walls.

    Grav Lifts in the corners for corner kicks which also keep the ball from getting stuck.

    Goal posts allow for off the post shots.

    Just like in Soccer, the ball must completely cross the goal-line before it's a goal. This allows the defense to make goal-line saves.

    Confetti Celebrations!

    I'd like some suggestions on the gametype settings. Right now I'm using most of the settings from the Hockey gametype.

    5 Goals to Win
    10 Min Limit.
    2x Overshield
    Only Golf clubs
    No Grenades
    Unlimited ammo & Equipment usage
    Sprint & Evade loadouts
    120 speed
    150 jump height

    In the previous version of the map I kept killing out and it seemed to keep the game focused on playing soccer and not killing people. I'm worried that with killing in it will make it easier to score.

    I'm also worried about evade. It seems to let you travel distances quicker than sprint, but with less accuracy. It may break the game.

    If you have any suggestions please feel free to reply, and if you're interested in play testing it let me know and we'll try to find a time when we can at least get a 4 v 4 going.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks again,
  2. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    I can give you some feedback on your settings, this comes from lots of testing that I've done on my gametype which also has unlimited armor ability with sprint and evade. I think the player speed you have is too fast, I found the same thing that you did about evade, it is too inaccurate at these speeds. You see something, try to evade over to it but end up going way past it. I suggest you try 100% it's still pretty fast with unlimited evade and sprint, evade will always be faster but sprint is more responsive to control. 110% is still too fast to me, it doesn't look like it but I found it made a big difference in how good the gameplay was when I took it down to 100% speed. I started off on 120% speed and went down to 110% and then tried out 100% and my game played much better at 100%, maybe because that's what people are familiar with and their spartan evades the way they think they should, they way they're used to.
  3. Inferno

    Inferno Forerunner

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    Looks nice, though if you were making a soccer stadium, maybe you should make the ball a soccer ball. :p
    Nice use of the spiral staircases by the way, very creative!
    Also(since hocky is a variant of haloball really...) thank you for taking out the assault rifles and adding in evade, it was obnoxious when people just ran around shooting me and trying to assassinate me, even if the ball was right behind them and facing my teams goal. I'll download it when its finished, because I really enjoy haloball.
  4. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
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    I wish I could use a soccerball, but the physics of the soccerball are different than the golfball. The soccer ball weighs more and therefore doesn't travel very far (which kills the fun factor.) If I remember right, I couldn't even get a soccer ball to travel through the spiral staircases because it weighs too much. Lame!
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Forging looks tremendous but it also looks like there's a LOT of pieces involved. Have you had a chance to do a test with 8+ players and if so, did anyone have framerate issues?
  6. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
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    I have not had a chance to play test it at all yet. I am a little concerned about framerate issues though. That's something that needs to be looked at. It's hard to coax my friends out of matchmaking sometimes. I have added some pieces since the previous version of the map, but the old one seemed to work well.

    Edited by merge:

    I just posted over at HBO that I'm going to try and play test this tonight at 10:30PM MST. If anybody's interested let me know. I'll be at work until then though.
    #6 b0anerges, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
  7. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Use the best kind of ball. The Kill ball.

    And for the game type, Turn off assassinations.

    And for the Map, It looks pretty nice, But i could see people trollin it up by pushing the ball into one of the circular ramps and standing infront of it so that people can't hit it out.

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