Remember that one map, Orbital? Me neither; hence why I am remaking it. Ring a bell? I have currently used about 3/4 of the walls and building blocks allowed on any Forgeworld map to construct only the bases and the small hallways outside; there is about 1/4-1/3 of the map geometry left to build. Constructive criticism would be appreciated
I actually loved this map in halo 3, and I began making a Reach remake ages ago. Lucky for you, I never finished it! I look forward to playing this, it looks great so far.
It's lookin' good so far Los. Although it does seem like your devouring your budget pretty quickly making the bases look nice. Anyways, I really hope you can keep that quality throughout the entire map.
I loved the hell out of this map. I already downloaded a really nice remake, but the scale is slightly too small, so it feels way more intense. Hope yours feels as nice, or nicer.
Out of curiousity, how are you making that spiral staircase? Or is it just a ramp? Don't forget those secret hallways, either. Also, sorry for my "spam post" earlier. Didn't realize it applied to previews :|
You could possibly save on some of the lower flooring by using the flat side of inclines instead of your coliseum walls. might look better too. Please for the love of god, get the weapon set accurate. I'm tired of remakes and the sudden artistic liberties they take with all the weapons.
Trust me, he does lol. Not sure how I feel about Orbital in Reach. I was a big fan of it at the very beginning in H3, I'm easily swayed by a human/UNSC aesthetic tbh, but it got dull kinda quickly. The only gametype it played even at all well imo was Slayer, the linear layout just didn't work for CTF/Assault to my mind, especially 2 flag. I'd be interested to see how it plays out with Sprint etc. and JP up from Sniper to Rockets could be a very interesting change, though again I'm not sure if it'd be a change for the better or worse.
This remake looks excellent, though sadly I was never a fan of the original map. The gameplay was really predictable and stale. But thumbs up on your attention to detail thus far.
Orbital was a good map in my opinion, and your remake seems to be spot on. It will be very intresting to see and play since there are armor abilities and some new weapons to change things up a bit.
Thanks for all of the comments everyone A few things: I think that I am going to keep the spiral staircase as a set of 2 ramps with a platform in the middle (to make the shape of an L) to compensate for the large amount of resources that a spiral staircase takes up. I have finished this stair set, but I'll wait until I finish the layout before I replace it with many valuable items. As for the weapon set: I think that I am going to be forced to change around some of the weapons because of the lack of maulers and the difference between the pair of spikers on H3 and the lone spiker on Reach.