
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jdwainright, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. jdwainright

    jdwainright Forerunner

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    Hello Forgehub, I present to you the map: Arrowhead. This is my first ever Halo: Reach Forge map.

    Arrowhead is half in the Colosseum and half out side of it, which provides some pretty intense inside/outside combat. Initially I did have all of the power weapons start with extra clips but found that it took away from the DMR battles that I initially intended for the map, therefore through testing of the map I made the decision to change the rocket launcher, shotguns and snipers to only spawn with one clip. Arrowhead provides plenty of cover while DMR fights are taking place but that also means that it is that much easier to be flanked by another enemy, so watch your six!

    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 Shotguns
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Magnums
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Needlers
    12 DMRs

    Blue Overview
    Red Overview
    Rocket Spawn
    Red Base
    Blue Base
    Blue Sniper
    Red Sniper
  2. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    cool idea with half of the map in the coliseum. i also like thee different kind of covers on the ground. bases are simple but who really uses base out side of objective games
  3. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Symmetry, simplicity. For me, these things are key. It appears your map possesses both- and i agree that it's a cool idea to have half the map outside the coliseum(something you beat me to dammit). Worth a download, I will run around this with my mates tonight!
  4. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Map looks decent but really open from the screenshots. I'll have to give it a download soon and play on this!
  5. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map does have one or 2 nice aesthetic points but the fact about the map is that its just an extention of the colliesum, 2 buildings, and then random structures in the middle of the map...this map could use more structures not made from pre-made buildings and then more structures in the middle of the map but not just randomly choosen and placed...the weapons are also way too overpowered and should be downsized...otherwords more buildings, cover, aesthetics and downsize the power weapons...

    FPS WEAVER Forerunner

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    I personally got a chance to test this map, overall it was somewhat fun, it needs more cover because the sniper destroys anything that walks on the map. Oh I also forgot something... GET IT IN!
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map lacks cover and creativity. Although, some of the aesthetics are nice, like from the last pic, that is cool looking. Really, it seems like you just threw some random blocks in the map. Try adding more cover and more structures that aren't pre-made. I like the idea of this map though. Half in the coliseum and half outside is very interesting. Goodluck with your next map, and welcome to forgehub.
  8. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice map. looks very symetrical (which is very important when it comes to maps due to equal advantages) and the forging is great.
    But i have to say, a little bit more time could have been spent on it when it comes to details and some of the structures. And it looks too open in a few places. I wanna be able to go from one place to the other before i get completely guned down.
    but i have to say, i like the idea off half of it being indoors with a si-fi feeling to it. and the other half is outdoors, open, and clear. sort of a yin-and-yang kinda thing.
    great job and keep up the good work. and welcome to forgehub.

    Map Rating: 7/10

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