This is a small/medium symmetrical map.I wanted to make a cool looking map in a glass shell that is competitive.This map works well with 4v4 flag and the map changes for slayer to block the outside part of the map.I hope you enjoy and leave feedback. Weapons list: 8 DMR'S 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 2 Sniper rifles 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 2 Plasma launchers 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn
Very impressive use of glass covers. Feels like a giant forerunner greenhouse with sharp objects. Since it is a competitive map you could run a list of weapons on the map so your viewers have a better idea before they download the map.
Wow this looks awesome! You have been busy! Looking through your maps, they are all very well made, weapons all seem fairly balanced and well placed. The glass structure is pretty spectacular man! Very nice work! Will be interesting to see how it plays out, but from the pics and lay out it looks really good.
Thanks i wanted to make a large glass structure without frame lag so the interior had to be simplistic but it plays well with ffa and 4v4 flag if you got a good team.With a 4v4 it can be quite hectic but with team work mid control can be taken but is not to hard to break.
Wow this AMAZING! It does feel like a green house with all the glass structure and great for a competitive map. Great job.
This is the first map I've seen like this. It's really unique and creative. I would've never thought about making a map almost entirely out of glass. The gameplay is probably really good. But, what's up with the kill ball in the middle? It seems kinda random, like you just threw it in there. I think kill balls are a major eye sore, but that's just my opinion. Maybe try putting something else there. Get creative. Overall, looks like a really good map, good work.
Thanks mike i try to make maps that have something original in them i like to think all of mine do.I may consider removing the kill ball it can get a bit in the way during frantic gameplay but without a jetpack it is harmless.In my opinion kill balls look awsome and they should have made them in more sizes and colours.but if i do get alot of feedback regarding the uglyness of my killball it will be removed.
Hello, have finaly got the chance to run some customs on this map and i have to say this is really well made. We were playing 1 flag and it was a really close game. The teleportes work well and can get u out of trouble and for a narrow map it still has pleanty of ways around, the crouch jumps are used alot to gain good positions...i glad u tought me that 1 ha. It is cool that the map opens up for slayer which also was a really close game. Aesthetics are awesome and really adds to the feel of the level. Great work xbg
I think the 30 second respawn for the power weapons seems a little excessive. You also might try lowering the clip size of the sniper to only 1 extra clip. I would set the spawn time to around 90-180 seconds whatever you feel works best for your map, but most successful competitive maps never have power weapons on 30 second respawn, I have never seen a map make that work.
It may have been an oversight because i usually work on a 120 sec respawn system with power weapons.Im suprised it didnt get noticed in testing.Thanks for the feedback i will update as soon as possible.
Awesome, someone finally found a use for those glass covers. Those things are tough to find uses for. Great looking map.
very nice aestheticlly using the glass...and looks interesting with the gametype...but depending on the size of the map I think the power weapons could be overpowered with the overall straight foreward map set up...
Wow, a very unique map! I love the simple layout as well, it kind of follows the rule of less is more (if you know what I mean). Aesthetics are pleasing and gameplay seems to work alright.
Hello buddy, great to see this map up on the list. It is cleanly forged to your very heigh standard... Much heigher standard than me. Tough to make a map with all glass exterior, but you have pulled it off well, i like your forging style and your use of elevation, inclines, lines of sight, sneeky mlg jumps, tour excellent skill as a player shows through in the competitiveness of this map. Great work ! Looking forward to seeing your new work posted soon.
So intresting! I will find myself paying attention more to the map then the game whenever I play this. Awesome work.
Thanks for all the feedback guys all ideas and thoughts will be considered.I have 6 new maps that i will get round to posting sometime.If anyone reading this needs help or just suggestions on a map message me on xboxlive i will be happy to help out.