Download CAN ONLY BE PLAYED WITH SLAYER, CTF, OR ASSAULT Description This is very small action-packed map that is best played with 2-8 players. On each base, there is 2 towers that you can go through the bottom of it, 1 has a shotty and the other has 2 BR's. Between the two towers, there is a barrier with a sniper rifle. In each corner, there is a crate with 2 plasma nades on them. In the middle, there is a rocket launcher, and a floating platform above that with an overshield for pwnage. Its kinda hard to describe this map so ill let pictures do the rest of the talking! Pictures Overview Blue Base Red Base Tunnels Under Towers PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE AFTER YOU DOWNLOAD
the map looks great but it could use some interlocking for the floor other than that though, it looks like its worth a DL.
looks good but may i ask why you only interlocked the middle box and not the rest of the floor? interlocking is not a requirement but it makes your map look nicer/cleaner and makes it less bumpy. anyways it looks decent. good job
yeah, definitely needs interlocking. could you send me a PM if you publish a v2? I need a few more pics and because of the few pics, a weapon list, for a sure download. harddrive space is precious, but it is a great looking map. but it's still good
some improvements here and there but it looks good a weapons lista and birds eye view pic wouldnt hurt
i would tone down the amnt of power weapons--there are so many in such a small space--and add interlocking. However, the architecture and flow looks great.