Team Paintball Games

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Audienceofone, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Team Paintball
    (Now in 3 flavors)

    Notice: Due to not having Bungie Pro I am no longer able to keep this on my file share, so the paintball games and maps I created are not downloadable. However the information to create the games yourself is all here (Shouldnt take much longer than 5 minutes to edit the modes) and any map will do, there are no objectives required (Excepting Paintball:Siege, which requites assault objectives). I do apologize for the inconvenience.

    Team Paintball has been my Reach project for a few months now and some of you may have played my version 1.1 of the game. Well now I am back with an updated version of the original, and some new ways to play. I have tested all 3 games with some friends (thanks to those who put up with those hours of nothing but this.) All feedback has been positive, but any feedback is nice so if anyone finds anything to improve on or an issue please contact me.

    Gametype Breakdown:
    Paintball: V 2.0
    (Slayer Variant)
    link: : Halo Reach : File Details

    • 300 times damage
    • 50% damage resistance
    • No shields
    • No radar
    • 90% speed
    • 2 loadouts consisting of Plasma Rifle (primary), Plasma Pistol (secondary), one Plasma Grenade, and a choice between Sprint or Evade (armor abilities being the only difference).
    • Weapon pickup allowed, only other weapon on custom maps (and recommended in any maps anyone else were to create) is the Plasma Repeater.
    • Infinite ammunition, finite clips.
    • 2 rounds (5:00). Team with most kills in the end wins.
    • 10 lives.
    • Mongooses allowed. (none in any maps made for this by myself)
    • Recommend 4-12 players
    Paintball: Pro:
    (Slayer variant)
    link: : Halo Reach : File Details

    • 300 times damage
    • 10% damage resistance
    • No shields
    • No radar
    • 90% speed
    • 2 loadouts consisting of one Plasma Pistol and either the Sprint or Evade abilities.
    • Infinite ammunition, finite clips.
    • No other weapons (including grenades) on map.
    • 2 rounds (5:00). Team with most kills at the end wins.
    • 2 lives
    • No vehicles
    • Recommend 4-8 players
    Paintball: Siege:
    (Assault variant) : Halo Reach : File Details

    • 300 times damage
    • 50% damage resistance
    • No shields
    • No radar
    • 90% speed
    • 2 loadouts consisting of Plasma Rifle (primary), Plasma Pistol (secondary), one Plasma Grenade, and a choice between Sprint or Evade (armor abilities being the only difference).
    • Weapon pickup allowed, only other weapon on custom maps (and recommended in any maps anyone else were to create) is the Plasma Repeater.
    • Infinite ammunition, finite clips.
    • 1 round (10:00) team to 3 successful assaults first wins.
    • Infinite lives
    • Mongooses allowed (none in any maps made for this by myself)
    • Recommend 8-12 players
    Note: If someone wanted to play the original version (Classic) use Team Paintball: Pro as the template and change

    • Make Plasma Rifle primary and the Plasma Pistol as the secondary weapon.
    • increase lives to 10

    I would like to say that this is NOT paintball like in real life. It was named paint ball because, well frankly the rounds of these weapons are bright and colorful.

    Specially made custom paintball maps:

    I highly recommend trying this gametype on my maps Paintball Yard 2 (smaller, for 4-8 players), and Paintball Zone 2.0. (6-12 players.) They are specially designed with these games in mind and nothing else. Although if you feel you are able to come up with a good map for this by all means go right on ahead.

    Links to Paintball custom made maps (made by xAudienceofone):
    Paintball Yard 2
    Paintball Zone 2.0

    Gameplay Shots:
    (gametype and map said before caption)
    Team Paintball: V 2.0 on Paintball Yard 2
    Sneaky blues.

    Team Paintball: V 2.0 on Paintball Yard 2
    The Plasma Repeater will never be so feared anywhere else. In the V 2.0 and Siege games two spawn on each side in the bases.
    Team Paintball: V 2.0 on Paintball Yard 2
    The plasma grenades in V 2.0 and Siege really pack a punch.
    Team Paintball: V 2.0 on Paintball Yard 2
    Yeah, you can still use your knife. And yes, its still fun as h*ll.
    Team Paintball: Pro on Paintball Yard 2
    In Pro, you only have two lives, so you need to be smart, fast, and a good shot with only the plasma pistol. Oh, and each of my maps for these games have explosives sitting around. See them back by the wall?
    Team Paintball: Pro on Paintball Yard 2
    "Played you like a violin and cut your strings"
    Team Paintball: Siege on Paintball Zone 2.0
    Now there's bombs. Let the madness begin.
    #1 Audienceofone, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2011
  2. Fraggy

    Fraggy Forerunner

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    Good I like this gametype so I might make one. I have seen gametypes like this but I think that yours is better and WAY more descriptive then the other ones so good job and make more Please?
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sorry to get back to you so late. Because my file share is the basic 6 slot size, I have very limited space and took these games off it. Sorry, but using the stats listed, you should be able to make them yourself if you wish. I appreciate the positive comments but I also do not think I will be making another gametype of this. Though you are free to use any of this a a plueprint if you wish, I think all the information is listed. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thats just how it is, thanks again though.

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