
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Locke087, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Facade (updated)

    Updated: 4 drms/nrs added now compatible with multi team, and infection. Now works for stockpile

    Loadout Camera
    Red Overview
    Blue Overview
    Red/Blue base inside they look the same
    Blue lift
    Red lift
    Green pathway
    Orange pathway
    Red/Blue under-path (looks about the same)
    Red under-path view 2
    Blue under-path view 2
    Wrap to orange pathway
    Wrap to green pathway
    Purple ramp
    Pink ramp/view of grenade Launcher
    Blue Focus Rifle
    Red Focus Rifle

    This is a small simple reflectively symmetrical. The Has NO forge lag, and thought i have not tested it in four player split screen yet I am confident in will be compilable. Which is something few forged maps can say. The beauty of this is in it's simplistic nature it is easy to learn, has great flow, and is fun to play. This map is great with all symmetrical gametypes and is compilable everything but safe havens, invasion and race. 2-8 players.

    Weapon Setup: T=spawn time C=clips S=standard
    2 Assault rifles T:S C:S
    6 DMR's T:S C:S
    6 Needle Rifles T:S C:S
    2 Plasma Rifle T:S
    2 Needlers T:90 C:S
    2 Plasma Pistols T:90
    2 Focus Rifles T:180
    1 Grenade Launcher T:120 C:S
    1 Energy Sword T:180
    4-8 Frag Grenades T:45
    4-8 Plasma Grenades T:45


    Thank you for your time please comment, thumb, and download.
    #1 Locke087, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
  2. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the design of this map, as you stated it's simple. But there are problems with this map.

    You have to many power weapons. If this is a small map, why are there 2 focus rifles?
    or 6 needlers (they can reach medium distance) And with all of those grenades, plus the ones you start out with, it's going to be a grenade fest. I hope you can fix out these things, for your map (sorry if I sounded mean)
  3. Fraggy

    Fraggy Forerunner

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    Very Good!

    This is a very good map. I like how it is very good on both sides and not like one is over powered. I think this is really good and you should make some more in the future.
  4. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    New Version is up please redownload the map as the new link now supports stockpile.

    3" power weapons" (grenade launchers are sub power weapons) on the whole map a sword, and 2 focus Rifle on 180 , the map has very litimed lines of sight making it not really all that powerful. There and TWO needlers on 90 respawn and grenades are on 45 (longer than most people put them) respawn and probably on the lower side of 4-8.

    Thank you for your time, next time read more carefully though you can take confert in the fact that this has been tested and people like the weapon setup so far.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems solid enough. Downstairs is pretty tight and would be heavily CQB, upper levels have some longer LOS which I like.

    I have a minor reservation about the cross map LOS down the narrow strip at each edge. It would be easily fixed by a strut or something coming out of the map boundary wall.

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