Spies vs. Mercs

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Voltage, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Spies vs. Mercs v2 (updated 4/15)

    Spies vs. Mercs

    Spies: Use stealth to assassinate the Mercs. Mercs: Use force to eliminate the spies. 2-16 players.

    V3 Updates 5/19/11: There was an accidental "Survivor Point" option, which was removed. Alpha Zombie frag count has been reduced to 1. Alpha Zombie is now red and all new zombies are orange.

    V2 Updates 4/15/11: Alpha Zombie settings and Last Man Standing settings have been added. The first Mercs will now have bottomless clip DMRs and 2 frags. The last spy will now have enhanced radar. Round time has been reduced to 4 minutes.

    V1 got 800+ downloads! Thanks guys!

    This is an Infection game based on Splinter Cell's Spies vs. Mercs. The game starts with one mercenary, who gets points for killing spies. Spies get points for assassinating Mercs. When a spy is killed, he becomes a merc. When all the spies are dead, the round is over.


    Spies can deal no damage except for assassinations or beat downs. They run faster, have permanent camo (except for when moving quickly), and are equipped with evade. They have no shields and their health does not recharge, so they can only take 5 hits the entire game, which means they must rely on stealth and agility to survive and gain points.


    Mercenaries start with Sprint and a DMR, which is set to always be 5-shot-kill. They run slower and have no radar, but they are invincible to everything except for a hit in the back. They can deal no melee damage, so must rely on their DMR and good eyes.

    Only a Shadow (There is a spy in that corner.)

    There are two maps included in the download link. One is a modified Countdown with darker filters and more mobility options, so spies can escape easily. This is what all the screenshots are taken from. The other, Infiltration, is a custom forged map I created. Personally, I like Countdown better as it works so well with this game.

    This gametype can be played on any Infection-ready map, but I suggest making it darker so the spies can hide better. In regular maps, I use Next Gen + Old Timey. In Forgeworld, I use Purple + Next Gen + Juicy and sometimes Old Timey.

    If you create your own map for this gametype, please let me know, and I will add it to my file set for this thread.

    This game is a blast if you enjoy stealth shooters. My friends and I have had loads of fun with it. It's really great for 1v1, and even more fun with more players. I have tested this with everything from 2 to 16 players, and it works great! If you DL this and enjoy it, send me a message on Live and we can play it. GT = Voltage 117

    Thanks, and enjoy!

    Infection Settings

    spies are humans, mercs are zombies

    1 point per kill, both sides
    suicides do not become zombies
    no points for survival or victory
    5 rounds, 4 minutes each
    no friendly fire, team switching, or betrayal booting
    3 second respawns
    default 2 zombie start (recommend 1 for 2-3 players, 2 for 4-5, 3 for 6-7, and 4 for 8+)

    Spy Traits

    Shields and Health
    110% damage resistance
    no shields
    no health recharge
    immune to headshots and assassinations

    Weapons and Damage
    magnum only (because you can't select "none")
    no grenades
    limited evade
    25% damage and melee modifier
    no weapon pickup

    110% speed and jump
    no vehicle use

    Sensors and Appearance
    normal sensors, 25m (last man gets enhanced sensors)
    good camo
    waypoint and name only visible to allies
    forced black

    Merc Traits

    Shields and Health
    2000% damage resistance
    200% shield and health recharge
    immune to headshots

    Weapons and Damage
    90% damage modifier
    0% melee modifier
    DMR only
    no grenades (alpha gets 2)
    limited sprint
    infinite ammo (alpha gets bottomless clip)
    no weapon pickup

    90% speed and jump
    no vehicle use

    Sensors and Appearance
    no sensors
    name and waypoint only visible to allies
    forced red

    Countdown SvM Map Variant

    no health packs
    increased mobility options (3 grav lifts, 1 one-way teleporter, various pallets)
    Next Gen and Old Timey effects for darkness
    #1 Voltage, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2011
  2. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    umm wow. i just downloaded it very cool idea man. and countdown works awesome. good job throwing in the grav lifts in the right spots. And there is some freakin dark corners haha. I would love to play a game on it ive only got to check it out in forge.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map. Me and my friends are pretty big fans of Ghost Busters, so this remake would do great. I'm just wondering though, what would stop the Mercs from camping in a corner? In the original Ghost Busters, there were almost no corners that the zombies couldn't jump onto a human's head from. Since most of the corners on Countdown have ceilings, I'd think that corner-camping would present a big issue.

    Anyways, props for doing this on a non-forge map.
  4. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Yeah, I'm aware of this, but really there isn't much you can do on a non-forge map about corner-camping because there are so many corners and so few phasing pieces. I guess you just have to play with buddies that agree not to be noobs.

    I did, however, play with one buddy that corner camped, and since corners are usually so dark, I was able to sneak close enough to jump on him and beat him down. So it's not impossible to stop a corner-camper.
    #4 Voltage, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  5. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    Maybe use enhanced sensors for the spies to prevent the camping?
    Anyway, this is an AMAZING idea. I always loved splinter cell and this really feels like something you'd find in one of the games. I feel that Countdown was pretty much an amazing choice mainly because of the height and dark corners. You should try to make this into an invasion game and make it so the spies actually have a main goal, other than killing the mercs.
    Great job man. I think I love you. <3 10/10
    #5 Behemoth, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  6. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Wow, thanks, dude. lol.

    You know, I debated about whether to use normal or enhanced sensors. I decided normal, because I figured if a Merc knew where a spy was, he could do a surprise attack by crouching. I think I'll keep it for now (mostly because I don't want to go edit and upload it again for such a small change), but if you try it and it makes a noticable difference, let me know.

    I have tried and tested every idea I can think of to add an objective to this, but it's not really possible. The only way to give teams different settings in objective gametypes is with loadouts, and it gets close, but never close enough to hold to the same type of gameplay. For example, you have to turn on weapon pickup to get flags, so spies can get DMRs; you have to keep damage on for both teams because only infection has not team-specific damage settings; etc. I'm still tinkering with the idea and settings though.

    And on a side note, I'm glad everyone agrees about Countdown working so well.
    #6 Voltage, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  7. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    I'm sorry, but since this whole thing is pretty much centered around a gametype, shoulden't it be in the "Gametypes" thread? I love this gametype, I play it a lot when me and my friends are waiting for someone or want to get away from matchmaking. And the map is practically perfect for the gametype.
  8. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    It is in the gametype section. It is in this section also because of the two custom maps needed for the gametype.
    #8 Voltage, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  9. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Amazing map. Very, very fun to play on, but I do have a 1 question.

    Would it be possible to make it so that the alpha zombie has a fully automatic weapon, or a bottomless clip? Because, being the first merc. in a bigish game is kinda hard.

    Awesome job. I think that this map and gametype should be in Matchmaking. It's that great! =D
  10. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    I though of this too, but there are no Alpha Zombie settings at the time. If/When Bungie brings back Alpha Zombie traits those settings will be implemented.
    #10 Voltage, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  11. NaturalSwag

    NaturalSwag Forerunner

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    How do i set the equipment to limited?
  12. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Player Traits > Weapons and Damage > Equipment Usage > Enabled/Disabled/Unlimited

    @Everyone Else

    I had no idea this would be brought back up again. These files are no longer in my file share. If you would like to create the gametype yourself, it would take only a minute or two. All the settings are listed in the thread. If you want to use the Dark Countdown, just add a Next Gen filter to the default map and save as a new map.

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