Dynasty Dynasty is a Symmetrical Vertical Map built on the Quarry. The Main inspiration for this map came from the Halo 3 Campaign Mission, The Covenent where Master Chief had to drive the Hornet onto to the Forunner stricture to take down the shields. The map was designed and built with 3 main purposes an goals. First, to have a Forge map that could look great and play great. Many forgers cannot grasp that concept because they either go too far with the aesthetics and cause framerate, or they put nothing at all and the map is bland. Secondly, to provide a great spawns that did not bring you to your death. With thanks from a buddy of mine, GoldyPerfection, he helped me to learn the technique of having good spawns which alot of forgers do not do correctly. Thirdly, to bring a map with gameplay experience which is fun and enjoyable in which this map brings to the table. This map definitely brings all 3 of these qualities which is also a reason I believe this map is ready for a Matchmaking Playlist such as Community Slayer. Weapons: AR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec DMR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec Needle Rifle x4, 2 spare clips, 30 sec Magnum x2, 2 spare clips, 30 sec Plasma Pistol x2, 45 sec Plasma Rifle x2, 30 sec Frag Grenade x8, 15 sec Plasma Grenade x4, 15 sec Energy Sword, 120 sec Rocket Launcher, 150 sec YouTube - A Halo Forged Map - Dynasty Enjoy!
I saw this in the Reach Forums, and it looked pretty nice, in fact I see your in many forums on B.net, anyways glad to see your also a regular here =) About the map it looks really fun, reminds of a halo 2 or 3 map. I like the simple aesthetics, that keep it beautiful yet not laggy, pretty nice
nice map...I can see where this is coming from and I can understand what your doing...the map has some nice aesthetics to go with it...although it is a little bland in some areas...good use of the objects and use of forge world...Ive seen so many failed maps in that area...the final question though is how does the gamplay work...becasue Im seeing people outside the map...but is that where they spawn?...if it is it would be a bad spawn becasue the other team could get the weapons inside easier and camp their spots...also they spawn at a lower height which is another problem...
The aesthetics on this map are nice. I really like that you made this map after a mission from halo 3. But, maybe post an overview of the map, so that way we could get a better idea of the layout. Overall this looks neatly forged and fun to play on. Lookin' forward to seeing more maps.
I like the contrast between long and short sightlines, and the choice of power weapons seems a good one for the design of the map. It's very cleanly forged and I think gameplay would play out rather smoothly. Overall this looks like a pretty cool map.