
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cyclonewolf114, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    i do not have a lot to say about this preview but here goes

    i tried to use part of forge world again uniquely and such
    buildings are inflitry only and the big paths are for primarily for vehicler use

    YouTube - Rebecca Black-friday By Cyclonewolf114

    Leave some comments and feedback
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You've done a great job transforming the space into a functional map and I really see no major flaws but there are a few things I dislike about some of the finer details. First off I prefer to have starting spawns and the vehicles slightly spread out so players and vehicles arent bumping into eachother at the start of the game; it's nothing game changing but could help the game start off more smoothly. The number of spawnpoints show in the video looked sufficient for a game of big team, but just to be sure it's best to put as many spawn points as possible. The two rock ramps up to the plateau age excellently executed, but those may still be problematic choke points and a mancannon or two or teleporters (I'm not sure where the ones you have now go) could provide good alternate routes. In my opinion the tank is a bad idea after seeing what the tank did to boneyard, but again thats up to you. My only serious concern is with the giant open space to your left abou ten seconds into the walkthrough. Especially with the turret overlooking it that may turn into a no-mans-land which won't be too good for gameplay. Keep in mind this is just my viewpoint and is by no means a definitive guide to what you should do to the map.
  3. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    don't worry about that space
    its open like that on purpose as its just gonna primarilly be for vehicler usage and nothing more however this map will not just be vehicler use as there is more that meets the eye
  4. CitrusAbyss

    CitrusAbyss Forerunner

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    I like what you did with blending the low ground of coliseum walls and the natural high ground, and the buildings look really well constructed. Could make for some awesome firefights inside! I also like the aesthetic pyramids up on top - makes an interesting contrast with the design down below.

    However, I have two questions. Firstly, with all that cover inside, is there any motivation for infantry to NOT simply camp inside and avoid vehicles like the plague? I'm no map expert, but, it could be a problem. And secondly, aside from it being higher ground, is there any motivation for going up top? I think I saw a shotgun somewhere, but I think it was indoors. Maybe some pictures could do to enlighten us? :D Aside from that, maybe a man-cannon to make things more accessible on foot. But other than that, it looks cool. If I had enough people for a BTB, I'd take this for a spin!

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