Hi, I need some insider tips on interlocking. i hvae already looked at the forging 101 section on interlocking but I'm still having trouble. I bielive it said that you " put an object were you want it, then move it but hitting it or driving it away, then place the object you want to interlick in it's place." but every time i do that it always just knocks my object. (eg. crate) away and the other one stays were i origanaly put it. so please if any one can, help me.
I'm confused about what you're asking, but if you're asking how you interlock, just make an object, put a guide (such as a wall), set the object you want to interlock to not spawn at start and 180 second respawn, then start a new round. Place another object where the old one was in the position you want to interlock it in and make the other spawn. Note that you can only do this with immovable objects, no crates.
If you push X while hovering over an object, then select place at start no, and then give the timer a decent amount of time, start a new round, then place the other object where you would want it to interlock with the other one, and wait for the other object to spawn and they should be interlocked You can also force spawn the object by pushing X twice on an object of that type, then setting the run time mimimum of that object to the same as there are on the map, then set it back to 0. all objects of that type should have spawned on the map. Unless you're trying to interlock movable objects, which you can't really. they just force themselves out of each other. Crates fusion coils pallets etc. are all movable and won't interlock properly. Hope I helped.
btw, 180 second respawn isn't neccesary, I've done some pretty hard interlocking with a 30 second respawn
ohhhh, i see what i'm doing wrong. It can only be done with immovable objects. my bad for disturbing yall with this stupid question.
yea 180 second respawn is not neccasary, only takes up more time. Mostly takes 30, 45 seconds usually
Don't worry the forging 101 is stupid and says you can do it with movable objects... Said it last time anyways... And suga I always use 180 and just force spawn the objects with run time minimum. The point of this post: It wasn't a stupid question
i beg to differ, set the respawn to 180, then when you want to see the object, just the minimum to full, then wahlah, you have what you were going for, this will actually minimize the amount of time you spend interlocking whoops, just saw dthen's post :-X
Thank you everyone. This really helped me. and now that i know a bit for about forging i can create better maps. Thank-you!!
If I understand what you're saying, you cant interlock crates and other moveable objects. You can only interlock immovable objects such as: Double box, walls, fence box, stairs, bridges etc.