Gameplay: Map Detail (Easy-Read) BASE) -Dormitory -Command Console -Sniper Posts (Accessible) -Turrets on/near sniper posts. -Only place for firebomb grenades. HILL) -Floodlights placed in dark tunnels. -Medical center detail in center of hill (before bunker). -Command Console (before the second cave to the left). -Barrier details for the more 'want-to-play' feel. -Cones before the tunnel that has fusion coils in it. This is one of my classic original remakes of an original Halo 3 maps, and is made for those who (some-why) do not have enough gigabytes on their hard drive to support additional DLC. If you're one of those people out there, you will enjoy intense multiplayer battles with your friends on this map in the classic remake of Highground (a once Halo 3 favorite). GT: ZonyRecon954
im confused.. this isnt a remake. its just a video of high ground from halo 3. and there is no DL link for any map..
Maybe his remake is so good that it looks just like Highground... SMG's and all... But seriously dude, this isn't up to snuff. You need some pics of YOUR map and a download link. Check the Forum Rules, it should clear things up for you.
Guys this is a preview of a map pack he is making. he is making remakes of some maps from halo 3 i think. the vid is just there cause he wanted to show you witch map highground is (for those of you who don't know) please zony recon tell me if im wrong. I don't know if this is following the rules tho :/
Q: Is Tsavo part of a map pack that you've released? A: Yes. Q: Are there any more 'evolved' maps that you've enhanced? A: One map on Rat's Nest. All I did was use the exterior. Q: Tsavo isn't a remake. Why call it that? A: Whenever I add detail to any original map already implemented to the game, I call it a 'remake' because that's just who I am. Q: When does the map pack come out? A: It's original schedule was in early 2009, but my XboxLIVE ran out. In the spring of 2009, I released it, but due to it's lack of downloads, I removed it from my fileshare. It will be released Sunday, April 12 (2011). Q: What is this map pack's name? A: Warriors Map Pack; Download soon!