Pipe Created by DimmestBread Supported Gametypes: Supports all gametypes except for infection, juggernaut, and VIP Recommended Gametypes: *Team King (make time to win 250) *Nuetral Bomb *Multi flag CTF (turn flag carriers gravity up so he has to go all the way around the central structure so the games last longer)(Make it so the flag has to be at home to score) *Land Grab *I recommend you change the primary weapon to the battle rifle and the secondary weapon to the assault rifle for faster gameplay, but it isn't necessary.* Map Description Pipe is a symmetrical map made on foundry. There are two bases (red and yellow), two sniper towers for each side, and overshield tower, and a central structure which contains the pipe. The central structure is mostly close quarters fighting so you will find most close range weapons in there, and beyond the central structure are the long alleyways that support the warthog at each base. You will find most of the longer range weapons there. There is also a sender node in each base that takes you directly to the sniper tower. I guess you could say that it is the same idea of avalanche. There has been a lot of testing and there isn't any spawn killing and the weapons are balanced. To me and my friends, the best and most fun gametype for this map is King of the hill. Weapons/Equipment/Gernades/Vehicles: x6 Battle Rifle x4 Carbine x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Needler x2 SMG x2 Mauler x2 Brute Spiker x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x2 Bubble Shield x1 Power Drain x1 Overshield x4 Spike Gernade x6 Frag Gernade x8 Plasma Gernade x2 Warthog _________________________________________________ Yellow base (Red base is the same) The pipe Overview of the entire middle The sniper tower Both teams have the flag _________________________________________________ Well that is my map. I hope you all enjoy it as much as me and my friends have. Special thanks to Aushcie, Kparker19, Rhyan5, purple playdo, Nopasta4u, kiwi demise, and woody wonka for testing my map. Download Pipe
gee, i sure do love interesting maps, and if this isn't interesting, i don't know what is. 10/10 for creativity, 10/10 for look, and [rating pending] for gameplay!
Wow I really like the pipe.i love how people are now using bridges to their full potential.The interlocking is creative to say the least.I'll give you a 4/5 I really would like to see a Version 2 of this.
thanks for the comments guys. remember, constructive critiscism is welcomed. also playahater, i plan on making a version two in due time once i get some feedback.
Mmmm... Looks shiny... 4/5 from me. Very nice looking pipe. Would be a 5/5 if the whole map could look that good, but everything after the pipe seems like an afterthought.
killex, you are right in a way. i was trying to make a map, and started on the pipe. i finished it and then forget the rest of the map part and sort of threw it in, but nonetheless it still took a while.
THis looks really cool, I love the pipe. Nice interlocking and how come its Red and Yellow bases? not Red and Blue
i'm not quite sure why it's red and yellow. but mostly because I wanted the bases to match the A and B signs that were by each base and i wanted to be different but i may change it in version 2.