I Feel Sympathetic

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by blockhead573, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Ancient
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    Paradox Template 3.0 entry

    Now this isnt the best post for the contest but it gets the job done. Theres no fancy photoshops or anything special, just a couple of images and a description.

    This map has the same amount of challenges as all of my other maps, but hopefully it makes up for the length in completion time.

    Challenges are unique, new, creative, and for the most part aesthetically pleasing.

    This map uses the starting room for three different challenges Awesome I know.

    Map name is Sympathetic, Gametype name is I feel.....CLICK THE NAMES FOR DOWNLOADS.

    Pictures: Im sorry about the size, this is the second post its done this to me and I dont know how to fix it.

    Challenge 2


    Challenge 4 and 5


  2. Big Jacck

    Big Jacck Forerunner

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    hmm im not sure if i did this right but i walked up the big thing at the start jumped off got the concussion rifle shot the golf ball down sworded it till 3 health then smashed the turret to kill myself go through the teleport and im stuck :(
  3. blockhead573

    blockhead573 Ancient
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    This isn't what I had planned for the method of suicide in this room because that is the way that Dr.TechEx uses in his map, and I do not use other peoples challenges purposefully, but i guess you can do that, I mean the objective is to use the ball to kill yourself.

    you need to use the grenade launcher and the drop shield to get the jetpack. Now this room is hard to do, but i assure you 100% that every single challenge in the map is possible to do, and once you get the hang of them, they become easy. I have no walkthrough made, nor do I plan on making one despite how useful they're.
    #3 blockhead573, Apr 8, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011

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