AIS Quintessence

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Intrepid Artifex, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    "This majestic ship conceals deadly secrets within its luxurious interior."​


    Finally finished my first Forge ship, the Quintessence! I've seen tons of awesome ships on Forgehub so I figured I'd give it a go myself. Anyways, continue reading for a lil' online tour of its magnificence.

    The starboard side of the Quintessence. Note the Artifex Industries insignia from my last map ;)

    The belly of the beast. The opening in the bottom is where the hangar is.

    Side view

    Size in comparison to a Falcon

    The Bridge. There are plasma turrets on the left and right.

    Hallway from the bridge to the rest of the ship.

    The hangar. A path branches off from the hallway and leads here. Driving a Wraith out of the hangar at this height causes almost no damage, surprisingly.

    What's a sweet-ass ship without a Drop Pod bay?

    Beneath the Drop Pod bay. This is where the hall to the bridge starts. If someone uses a drop pod you'll also see it fall down the chute from this room.

    Feet first to the beach!

    Teleporter back up to the drop pod bay. I'm not too sure how many times I went through that thing and came back down...

    ...and back up again!

    Dining Hall (With the signature pyramid sculpture).

    Kitchen in the aft.

    Guest & Crew quarters. (above the Dining Hall)

    There are four identical rooms with a bed. I know, the rooms are pretty sparse... but what, are you gonna download this map to sleep on it?

    The Administrator's suite. Decent view, okay size, and ONE more piece of furniture than every other room! I know, that's exciting.

    The aft of the Quintessence. Note the Dining Hall and Kitchen on the bottom, Quarters in the middle, and Admin's Suite on top.

    So there you have it, folks. It's a big ship. Have fun. ;D
    #1 Intrepid Artifex, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  2. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the aesthetics of this ship, it is gorgeous. There are some terrific touches inside as well, like the canteen.

    However the design is a little bit to ... open for my liking. I wouldnt want to be on this ship as it left the atmosphere.
  3. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    First off I would like to start off by saying that I love the choice of the name for the vessel. The design and layout is well thought off. It makes it stand out from the Frigates, yet still keeps that spaceship theme. The interior is breath taking, from the hallways to the crew quarters, mess hall, and the drop pods..well they really do work.
    I believe the proper navy term for the "rear of the ship" is "aft", but regardless this is an excellent example of aesthetic forging from the inside and out. Nice touch with the symbol.
  4. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    I definitely understand your dismay with the "openness." Unfortunately for me, there were definitely some budget limitations after a while, and the Forge Pallet only have a couple pieces that could be effectively used as windows. In a lot of instances it was either leave some space open that could kinda resemble a window, or cover it up completely. Glad you liked the aesthetics though!

    Thank you, good sir! Took me a while to come up with a fitting name. It was definitely a primary focus of mine to deviate from more common ship designs and go with something I hadn't seen before. Very glad you enjoyed the interior too. While I wanted the hull to have that unique but apparent ship appearance, I really wanted the interior to be mostly aesthetic, especially towards the back of the ship.

    Oh, fixed the post and put "aft" :p
  5. BiaxialEMPEROR

    BiaxialEMPEROR Ancient
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    I agree with barc0de for the most part. It is a fantastic ship, and I love the design in particular (It actually reminds me of the rebel frigate from the older star wars films), and I like the different position of the drop bay. I gotta ask, was my ship(Daedalus) one of the inspirations for this?
  6. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    Well i was already pretty set on using drop pods, but the Daedalus did influence the use of the small antennas in the front and the general shape of the front of the bridge :) That's funny that you mentioned the rebel frigate though, because the front-heavy shape was very inspired by that ship.
  7. BiaxialEMPEROR

    BiaxialEMPEROR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought I recognized the conventions in the bridge design :D
    Anyway, would you mind If I had this in a background shot/cameo in a machinima that I'm making? You would be credited, of course.
  8. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    Yeah, go for it. Feel free to make any changes to it too.
  9. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    Looks great from the pictures, I've put it to download :)

    Makes a nice change to see a differnt sort of ship, and theres some nice touches here and there, they fit your ship well.

  10. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    Thanks. The use of the coliseum walls in the front of the ship was partially inspired by the way you used them in your Pillar of Autumn. :)
  11. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

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    woat ?
    what rebel frigate are you talking about ?
    ive seen the films countless times and played some star wars games

    i dont see anything in common with any rebel frigate..
    do you mean the rebel blockade runner ?

    or the nebulon b frigate ?

    but nevertheless i really like your ship ;)
    #11 JD Horx, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  12. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    i think he means the nebulon, if you look at the front they are both large and tall in the front, with that seperate section. i think he meant more of inspired though, its a rough similarity.

    btw, nice map, it looks really good. i like the windows for the drop pods.
  13. Dookie no Jutsu

    Dookie no Jutsu Forerunner

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    yeah, this ship looks really awesome. the little seats in the dinning room, the sinks in the kitchen, the artifex symbol.... i could go on but i can't find the words to do them justice. also, i agree with everyone else that your ship definitely has it's own unique look. the first thing that came to mind (for me) was the earth alliance omega class destroyers from a show called babylon 5. anyway, your ship is excellent and i'll be anxious to see what you do next.
  14. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    so, i downloaded this awhile ago, and only just got around to playing it... and all i have to say is wow. this is one sick-ass looking ship, flying around it was awesome. also, your detail on this inside was incredible too.
    i think someone already pointed out that there's lots of 'holes' in the ship, ie not the feel of spaceworthy. i agree with this, but it gave me a different feel. im not sure if you've seen the 5th element, but at the end of that movie they board a floating luxury ship. that ship can seal its decks and then go into space, but when it was on a planet it had that same open feel your does. almost like a sci-fi airship. just a thought.
    anyways, once again, nicely done, this ship looks original and good at the same time.
  15. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    this is the best ship map I've seen so far. Not a huge fan of "frigate" type but the way you broke up the exterior shape is very appealing. The inside looks great too. I've very anxious to check this out first hand!
  16. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    This is the best forge ship I've ever seen. The outside looks gorgeous; from any reasonable distance, it looks like a more like a hi-res 3D model than a conglomeration of Forge objects (to me it does, anyway). Equally impressive to me is how elaborate the interior is, and how well-integrated into the overall ship design it is. I've seen plenty of ships that looked great on the outside, but the inside was a jumbled-up mess of phased object intersections (which tend to look really ugly & impede movement, assuming the author ever meant for anyone to go inside). The escape pods were also ingenious; one of those things where I understood the mechanics of it almost immediately, but would have never thought of it myself. Also, very good on making an incredibly detailed map that is virtually lag-free.

    I'm assuming you planned this all out (no way this was just a "Forge as you go" map"). Just curious, but how did you go about planning it? Any specific approach? Did you just have an idea in your head? Sketches on paper? Google sketchup?
  17. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Wow, this is a pretty beast map.
    I have to say though this map reminded me of the ships from star wars knights of the old republic.

    hit me up with a friend request may be we can make another one?

  18. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    Very glad you like the map! In regards to your comment about it's resemblance to a 3D model, I was definitely aiming for smoothness with this map. Sure it ain't perfect, but i think I achieved that goal decently.

    Anyways, you are correct when you assume that I planned it out. I was a bit lazy to actually write anything down, but I had the general idea in my head, which involved working from the drop pod room outwards. (As awesome as the Drop Pods are, I didn't come up with them.)

    I started with that room first because I didn't want to build more of the ship and then struggle to find a good place for the drop pods to fall. From then on I knew that the front of the ship would have that vertically dominating look, while the back would be wider.

    Other than that I mainly wanted to include elements that weren't completely military (mess hall, rooms w/ beds) like those that we see in UNSC ship remakes.
  19. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    LULZ, its great. You have really used your imagination for this, it's got everything! And one of the most impressive features is the drop-pod bay. The FULLY WORKING drop pod bay!
  20. Tychaos117

    Tychaos117 Forerunner

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    Wow that is very good looking ship! Dfeinately for your first one! I got a few but yours might have outdone mine! Very good i like!

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