
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Mr ChodaBonkers, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Mr ChodaBonkers

    Mr ChodaBonkers Forerunner

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    Omnipotence is symmetrical. Its ment for big team and has many different sections to battle at. At both sides, there are 2 tunnels that lead to the ground floor from there you can choose to battle in a long tunnel with the grenade launcher in the middle or jump up from one of the many lifts. I wanted this map to connect and make sure everybody can go where they want to go without it having to be a chore to get there.

    Since most of you guys complain about the amount of aesthetics, this one has a good enough amount, such as the fusion coils and plasma batteries detonating via killball every 17 seconds, causing a chain reaction explosion on the warthogs resting at the base. They fly down and intereact with the players, which is what I try to incorporate into most of my maps.

    The main reason I use pre-made buildings because I run out of objects quickly because I want my maps to support most gametypes. If I focus on aesthetics too much, than the gameplay will not be good so please understand that, that is a hard balance to create when building a map.

    Hope you like it-please leave feedback and comments

    Mr ChodaBonkers


    x2 Sniper Rifles-180 respawn
    x4 DMRs
    x1 Grenade Launcher
    x2 Needle Rifles
    x1 Energy sword-180 respawn
    x8 Health Packs



  2. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Really loving that chain reaction thing with the kill ball. Very cool. I don't have enough friends to play big team custom really, but I'd love to try out this map. Friend request me if you want. I'm gonna download this anyway cause I really wanna see the explosion! :) My gamertag is CrumblyGranny. Check out my first map if you get a chance too. It's called The Rampart.
  3. Mr ChodaBonkers

    Mr ChodaBonkers Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment man, it's about time someone made a poitive comment about a map on this site. The chain reaction idea came from my fascination of the domino effect. So I thought why not use it in a map. i'll definetly add you next time im on Live.
  4. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    After messing around on your map a bit I really liked the setup of most of it. It took me forever to find the snipers and the tunnel to the lower floor. I also got in edit mode and backed up away from it all and really loved the circular stair structure you used as like the pillars holding up the whole thing. Good work. I would say though that the chain reaction could be cut down to like every 30 seconds or maybe even longer. I found that all those explosions were getting a bit annoying. Still very cool though. Loved watching those Warthogs fly! :)

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