The Rampart

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CrumblyGranny, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Just thought I'd let you guys know I took all your suggestions and reworked the map. Here's the thread I posted in the Testers Guild. Hope you like the changes.

    This is my first ever Forged Map. It's not hard to tell that there is some styling and creative flow taken from the Great Wall of China. That was my initial starting point. I wasn't looking to make a playable map but just to build something that looked cool. So far I haven't gotten to test it with anything more than 2v2. So I'm looking for some people to help test and give feedback.

    The map is pretty symmetrical with two small three story buildings set up on opposite ends of a long curved wall. Directly in the middle is a large walkway that goes across the wall and has man cannons that can launch you up from either side. There are also two man cannons to the right of each base launching you almost to the front door of the opponents base.

    Here is a list of the weapons on the map.
    x6 DMR 60sec spawn 1clip
    x4 Needle Rifle 30sec spawn 2clips
    x2 Assault Riffle 30sec spawn 2clips
    x2 Magnum 30sec spawn 2clips
    x2 Plasma Pistol 30sec spawn 0clips
    x2 Needler 60sec spawn 2clips
    x2 Sniper 180sec spawn 0clips
    x2 Machine Gun 180spawn
    x1 Rocket Launcher 180spawn 0clips
    x1 Laser 180sec spawn 0clips (this won't be used much as it's up in the snipers nest out in the water. You have to leave the battlefield and come back to get it.)
    x1 Shotgun 120sec spawn 0clips
    x1 Gravity Hammer 120sec spawn 0clips
    x10 Frag Grenades
    x8 Plasma Grenades
    x2 Warthogs (Probably won't be used very much as the map is pretty small and there isn't much space to drive them around)
    x4 Health Packs (One in each base and two toward the middle)

    Would love to get some feedback on 4v4 games as I can't find enough friends online to make it happen. Hope you guys like it. Don't be too hard on me. This is my first map.

    YouTube - The Rampart - Halo Reach Forged Map

    Here's some more screenshots.

    Overview of the entire map

    Launching from the man cannon that takes you up onto the wall and right in front of the opponents base.

    Using a jetpack to fly up onto the middle bridge/walkway.

    Getting sniped from the middle bridge while on the top sniper level of the blue base

    Rockets are located on top of the middle bridge.

    Edited by merge:

    Anyone interested in checking out my map feel free to friend request me. My gamertag is the same as my username on here. Thanks.
    #1 CrumblyGranny, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  2. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I too like to use a lot of astetics in my maps, and this one strikes me as well forged ;P but to be to the point i realy like it and if you want to ever test it out i got a loyal community of friends that are always willing to have a fun time testing maps, so if you want add me on xbl and we can test it sometime.
  3. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Thom, that would be great! Is your gamertag your user name here? I graduated with a major in Design Art and I'm a bit of a perfectionist so needless to say I spent many hours on this map. Took me almost 4 days to "finish". Still tweaking things when I see something I don't like. But I feel like it's a pretty clean forge. Look forward to getting some real test games done on this map. You can add me. My gamertag is CrumblyGranny.
  4. Mr ChodaBonkers

    Mr ChodaBonkers Forerunner

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    Great looking map. Looks pretty intense. The only thing I would say is to add some cover on the ground by the bridge, like some rock spires, idk. I'll download it!
  5. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Thanks Mr Choda,

    I was wanting to keep a majority of the fighting up the wall so I left the bottom more exposed. It also makes it more of a risk/reward for those that don't choose jetpack and have to use the lifts up onto the center walkway where the rocket launcher sits. And also it leaves the space more open for the warthogs should anyone ever decide to use them.

    I'd also like to add that I've posted a video in the initial thread with a walkthrough of the map. Give a better perspective of everything.
  6. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks brilliant with the was automatically seen as a defensive wall for me and I was impressed by the idea...however the gameplay may not be as good...first of all the map is a straight foreward map with a choice of going foreward or backward which can create a boring game...for two reasons...first one is the person that just camps on one side of the map and just gets the power weapons and just sits there killing you as you try to charge them...the second is that the map have no other choices but to go foreward or backward which makes the gameplay limited and your choices of how to face the opponent limited...the choice of going to the ground is there but you need a jetpack and there is no cover to support you down there if you are discovered...I would suggest you add soe buildings in one side and rocks on the other to create a more open gameplay wise map...the map would still be centered around the wall becasue that would be the highest point ...also I think you list of power weapons is way too much I would suggest getting rid of some ofthe power weapons...
  7. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot for the comments and the compliments on the aesthetics of my map. I feel where you are coming with the straight forwardness of the map and the lack of any real sideways movement. As far as the power weapons when I was writing out my list of weapons I too was a little overwhelmed by all the weapons on the map, but I think they are spread out quite well. 4 of the power weapons are centrally located and all of them are set with long respawn times and no extra clips. I did this in hopes of cutting down on this camping with power weapons issue you raise. I still see where you are coming from though and maybe you are right and there are too many power weapons. I really couldn't tell as I haven't had a chance to have a 4v4 game on the map yet. There is no need to have a jet back in order to go to the ground. I have lifts on all four corners that lead back up to the wall. I do like your idea of having additional cover on the ground and maybe some more buildings. I'll have to see what I can do as I'm completely out of money. Every penny was spent! :)

    Again, thank you very much for the suggestions. With the size of the map what would you think would be a better distribution of weapons?
  8. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Caught two games of 3v3 on here. My suggestion on this map would be to delete the small sniper nest and place some sort of neutral tower there (gives Risk v reward for your SPARTAN laser). Secondly, if you wanted to truly increase flow of map for a bigger team you need an entrance that can be accessed from the back. This would help utilize the "forest" side of your map since it has a natrual cover (and give you a new play area for the Grav Hammer). And Lastly, Dont know how much natrual (wow misspell x2) rock you have left but maybe try to use those and make a ramp/ jump in a few places to reach the top from the bottom. Great Map love the fact that its a curvred bridge.
    #8 DaWorsePlyrHere, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  9. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I'm loving the map's aesthetics and design, and the bases look quite cool. However I do worry that gameplay is an issue.

    The map seems to me that it would promote long ranged DMR spams, and the snipers would dominate. If you ever get the chance to muddle things round a bit and regain some of your budget, I suggest adding a few 'spire' rocks on the ground - just to protect more against the precision weapons.

    Dismiss my comment if you wish because I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I will definitely get round to it. But overall I believe this is a very nice forge, especially for your first map.
  10. CrumblyGranny

    CrumblyGranny Forerunner

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    Thanks for getting a few games in on it and letting me know what you think. Since having a few people comment I'm considering just getting rid of the laser and sniper nest all together...would give me some more cash to mess with. I'll take a look at what I can do there.

    I like your suggestion of having another way up to the base from maybe the left side or the back of the base. The few games I have played on it, no one has really utilized the rocks/forest on the side of the map with the Wall Coliseums. I also agree there may need to be a few more ways to reach the bridge from the ground.

    Thanks again for the suggestions and the compliments on the map.


    Please feel free to have some games on it and come back and let me know if you still feel this way, but I'm taking your considerations into effect. The last game I played on it was before some weapon spawn tweaking and you are right. The Snipers were owning as I had them with 2 clips and like a 90 sec respawn. I've since made them 180 respawn and zero extra clips so you are looking at only 4 sniper rounds on each side

    Almost everyone has been mentioning more cover on the ground so I think I'm going to try to mess with my budget some and put some more stuff on the ground on both sides of the map. This might mean getting rid of the sniper nest and laser as well as the warthogs which I don't think would be used anyway. Thanks for the compliments on my forging. As I really put a lot of time on it since it was my first map.

    Edited by merge:

    Just thought I'd let you guys know I took all your suggestions and reworked the map. Here's the thread I posted in the Testers Guild. Hope you like the changes.
    #10 CrumblyGranny, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011

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