Hey guys. I was just posting this thread to see if anyone has heard any news for Star Wars Battlefront 3. Here is a supposed "leaked" footage video off of YouTube. Check it out: YouTube - Leaked Star Wars Battlefront 3 Gameplay Footage Tell me everything you guys know because I really loved the first two games!
Oh god I hope that's real. I guess we'll just have to wait until E3 to see. I doubt it's SW BF3 though, Pandemic is done, and has been for two years.
The developer that was on board with that trailer was closed shortly afterward, so for right now, it's dead in the water. I would absolutely love to see a new one though, and that trailer was extremely impressive when I first saw it.
That video is over 2 years old, and the company behind the game, Pandemic, was shut down. I wouldn't say the game isn't going to happen, but I wouldn't expect it to be released until the next console generation, possibly as a launch title. That's the kind of game that most early adopters would know about and love.
If u look at the bottom u can see the company free radical so the companys went from pandimic to rebellion to free radical
Assuming that it is Free Radical, because I have no idea where you're getting that from.. Crytek UK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Actually, your order is wrong, it was initially developed by Free Radical, and was handed off to Rebellion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Battlefront_III It has also been said in the SWBFIII wiki, that Pandemic has thrown the possibility of resuming development around, which doesn't make sense, because I thought they went under..
Agreed!! AND you can go from land to space in one sitting which is awesome. If this happens, it will definitely be on my list of things to buy.
I certainly hope that was real. I was soooo hoping that when Jar-Jar was running around Mos-Eisley we'd see him get obliterated by a tank...
Some game company will push it out. The last two brought in a good amount of money, and that's enough reason alone for someone else to pick up where they left off.
Slap the Star Wars logo onto anything in and it'll have good profits. Proof: Lego Star Wars games make money.
Well that's a horrible example because the Lego Star Wars games are actually good. Proof: The Force Unleashed
It's not that good and it's sequel is terrible. If anything I would use other Star Wars titles as proof that they can be good. Both KoToRs. Both Jedi Academies. Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (Although I've never played it) Both Battlefronts.
Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy were my personal favorite, along with the original Rogue Squadron. Those games were choice!
That's an MMO with most likely a payment system, which I think is a bit different from Battlefront 3. Either way I'm all for more Star Wars content.
No, I agree with you. Pyro said that any game with the Star Wars brand on it, no matter the quality, would make money. He was basically saying that if the Lego games weren't Star Wars they would have sold poorly, which I think isn't true because the lego games are actually enjoyable. TFU on the other hand is a somewhat bad game that only sold well due to it's part in the Star Wars mythos.