The third installment in the series should be coming out this year. The first two Deus Ex games have been hailed as gaming greats for their take on action/stealth game play. Now I think this game has potential to be game of the year, move over Skyrim there's a new title in town. Some of the game footage has me totally geeked out over this. The graphical fidelity in this game is near Crysis levels, if not better. (It was built on the Crysis engine, so go figure) Here's a Trailer. YouTube - Deus Ex Human Revolution Cinematic Directors Cut Trailer [HD] There are two core aspects to game mechanics in Deus Ex: Human Revolution are the suit, which can be upgraded depending on the players style of play, and guns, which reinforce player's play style. So, basically the game will function much like Crysis, but this is the same core concept that has been apart of the Deus Ex series. That's not why I'm looking forward to it though. I'm looking forward to it because of the narrative in the game. Basically, I'm hoping this turns out to be the soap opera series a.k.a. metal gear solid that I've never had a chance to play although less complicated and not as much bullshit. Basically, I think the story arc will be compelling to play and the player will be able to reveal it at their own pace and by how they play. The developer, Eidos has introduce two lesser approaches to the game conversation and one other I can't recall at this point. So, I'm going to speculate a little at this point. Anyways, with a new focus on these two aspects, the player can advance through the narrative directing the conversation, but if that fails then you can unravel the story in other ways. Now, that's a big point to consider, considering rpg's these days. How often do you trudge through an area completing a quest only to have a static conversation with an NPC? I mean, yea sure, we've been able to choose sides in a game, but the game hasn't really ever reinforced that by how we play. That's a huge, but subtle detail many games lack, weaving the narrative into the game mechanics. None of the videos I've seen have showcased what I'm talking about, but I think it hasn't been show for two reasons. A) Most people probably don't care and B) again it's a subtle thing, most people might not even notice until their next play through and that's exactly where it counts. Two Part Game Play Demonstration YouTube - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 25 Minutes Full Gameplay - { 720p } - { ENG/RUS } - { Part 1 } YouTube - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 25 Minutes Full Gameplay - { 720p } - { ENG/RUS } - { Part 2 }
This game is going to be amazing. From what I've seen, it just doesn't look like they could mess it up. Varied gameplay, conversation system, and deep RPG/loot systems. Sign me up.
Ayup. Already pre-ordered the augmented edition. Unfortunately I did it through Amazon because I had a $20 game credit, only to realize later that the pre-order bonuses from gamestop are a little better. (Badass shotgun, sniper rifle and extra cash vs. extra mission, badass grenade launcher, remote mine and unlocking device. You decide.) I bet/hope they will make both pre-order packs available for download on the Marketplace. The only thing that could make this game better is if they do what the developers of Dragon Age did and make a crap-load of downloadable content to keep the game changing EVEN more than it will already.
It looks like it could be good, but there are some features that look like they could ruin the game for me. I hate that they replaced melee weapons with takedowns, it used to be that you would sneak up to a guard and try to hit their spine to take them down in one shot. If you missed, you would alert the guard who could then run and get help. Now it's just pressing a button to watch a cutscene play. What's worse is that these takedowns are silent and you're invincible while doing them. You can punch through a brick wall and nothing will notice. Replacing lean with the 3rd person cover system is another thing I hate. I don't want to hide behind a wall and have a wide view of the area ahead without any risk. However, the highlighting system they've recently shown is by far the feature I dislike the most. There's no longer any point in carefully looking around for items and alternate routes, it highlights them in a way you simply can't miss. They did put a poll up regarding this feature, however, and the results have shown that most people want to have highlighting as an option, so there is hope. It's true that I could just ignore the cover system and takedowns, but refusing to use them doesn't bring back the features they replaced. It means that if I want a harder game that stays closer to the original Deus Ex, I have to severely limit the way I can play.
I never got to play the first two even though I got the second installment as a birthday present years ago, but was given a shitty computer that could barely run word. I can definitely see where you're coming from with the take downs. I'm not much of a fan of 'press button and watch character go through pre-scripted animations'. Very few games do this well. I think GoW does this the best, because it's something where you have to take out your opponent after you've downed them and it adds a risk vs. reward of how you want to take them out. The safe route is to put a few more shots into them, but it's very satisfying to humiliate them. Reach does this well enough to a lesser extent, the assassinations are fun and there is a risk to them, but it isn't the most efficient means of killing your opponent when a back smack will do. As for highlighting items. I don't necessarily agree here since with better graphics and processors, there's not only an increase of assets artists are able to fill the level with to make it come alive, but it also gets harder to delineate between what the player can interact with and what they can't. I don't really want to spend my time figuring out if I can use an object or not. I think the main reason they are using this, which I've seen from a couple LP's of Invisible war, is that it gets difficult and frustrating at times to 'see' what you're picking up because the player might think they're picking up one thing, but the game is selecting something else. I saw at times where the person playing got frustrated at the game because it wouldn't select what object the player was looking at and the player had to move around to get to a different angle. I'd rather have a highlighting system even if it limits some of the 'puzzle' aspect to the game. I think it will make the game more approachable.
I still consider the original Deus Ex one of the best games ever made. The sequel was OK, but bad if you compare it to the original. I've been following this one pretty closely and I'm relatively happy with what they seem to be doing so far, even if they have made some pretty big alterations like 3rd person cover. I also dig the stylised look. I'm really hoping they retain the length of the original game. The first Deus Ex was really long for an fps.
This has absolutely no chance of failure in my book, it already is going to be one of my fave games, it may even beat reach. But with this, Rage, and Portal 2 coming, I feel like I am going to ruin all of my pants from all the jizzing in my pants I'm gonna be doing.
Update: just got this yesterday. Haven't even gotten to the third story plot mission but: THIS GAME IS EPIC! I'm playing it on a terrible, old tube tv and it's still gorgeous, the voice acting is flawless. The art style; neo-renaissance, is very cool and has its own backstory. So far it is a great end to the trilogy though at this point in the game they have yet to reference much from the previous games.
Pre-ordered this game a while ago. Got dispatched yesterday and Im eagerly awaiting its arrival. Probably won't get here for about a week though, which makes me a sad panda.
played it. Its excellent. I thought the "complete missions is many different ways" was gonna be shallow and have like 2 ways but the first mission ive played 3-4 times and ive never done the same walkthrough, not even close to similar walkthrough. The lip syncing sucks but that is literally my only complaint. Great game and i love sniping with my darts. One Shot. One Nap.
There's unintuitive controls and sluggish cover-switching movement, the player is extremely fragile on even the average difficulty setting, the hacking mini-game isn't fun, the conversations don't hold up in quality to Fallout 3 or Mass Effect, the A.I is pretty stupid (which is pretty helpful seeing as the game is unmerciful health-wise). On the upside, the game is visually stylish to the point of perfection, and the flaws probably won't seem as bad after a few hours of playing.
a couple of my friends have just recently gotten this game and have been raving about it. cover system sluggish? from what i heard, isnt it using the same cover system as RSV? (which was awesome, imo) in any case, i was sold on the game after watching a friend play for about an hour. i cant believe you bitches are sitting here nitpicking it
Taking cover looks a bit more like GTAIV than Vegas (pressing of a button rather than holding a button to grip to nearest wall), the latter of which was far superior and quite engaging, but meh, apples and oranges. From what i've gathered though the cover system can, and should be entirely avoided.
You can switch it between 'hold for cover' and 'press for cover'. I think the cover system is great. I've gotten to the point where I can move faster between cover whilst crouched than if I was just crouched and crawling around. Oh, and upgraded revolver is absolutely friggin ridiculous. I've dropped so many upgrades into that thing, it's got a laser sight, shoots the incendiary rounds and holds 8 rounds in the
If nothing can ever be perfect, then why hold your expectations to perfection? Not directed towards anyone in general, but enjoy things for what they are.
Few people can, sometimes its just better to accept that people won't like anything and what they do like is just something they hate less then other things. I do try to remember that and stay out of it but it does get hard at times.
The only perfect game is Chrono Trigger. If you can "settle" for a great game get Deus Ex human revolution. /jk Anyways, i'm on my Pacifist, Deus, Foxy run and i have like 70,000 xp and i am just destroying this game and having a blast. Some of the Augs are just totally useless and some are surprisingly more useful then i thought (icarus landing system). I've just reached the 2nd Major city(wont spoil) and the missions are excellent the Tranquilizer Rifle with the target leading mod make me feel so Gangsta. Nothing like shooting a dart into a fully armored Pangu's jugular from 75m away. If splinter cell conviction take a page out of deus ex for their next game i think Splinter cell could really become a great series again. The more I play the more i realize that the AI is very rudimentary but it doesn't stop this game from being challenging and enjoyable. Anyone got any crazy moments? Mine was in this room with robot and 2 soliders side by side and a camera looking at him. I basically EMP the robot, double takedown the two guards(reflex booster) and stun the camera drag the two bodies away from the view of the camera. when the camera come back on no alarms or hostile... i felt so badass
The lip syncing and body acting lacks polish, and the fact that there's multiple ways to complete an objective means that you'll be backtracking to climb through every vent and hack every door just for the xp. But the stealth combat makes up for a lot of flaws. The game wouldn't be half as fun if I wasn't trying to get Foxiest of the Hounds, Legend, and Pacifist in the same run.