Container city

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by blue spider, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. blue spider

    blue spider Forerunner

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    This is my first map uploading to forgehub so the presentation will probably be lacking, but I assure that the gameplay isn't. It's based on the game coming out may 17, Brink. If you haven't heard about Brink, it's all about using the new S.M.A.R.T system which stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain, to be able to vault over or slide under and object on the map that looks like you can do so. Using the evade ability I made system that creates the illusion of vaulting and sliding under objects. Basically all you need to know is anywhere you see a railing at the base of an object you can 'vault' over it. The best way to do this for most parts of the map is to stand about a yard away from the base of the object you wish to vault over while looking slightly down( it also helps to crouch after you've evaded, like crouch jumping). This is what I like to call a "practice makes perfect" mechanic. Meaning it can be frustrating at first, but once you get use to it, it makes for some of the most intense game you can get from a Halo: Reach custom game.

    here are some pictures






    I know, not too many pictures, but as im posting this, I'me in sorta rush. So I hope you enjoy the map. Please feel free to offer constructive criticism and by that I mean please don't say "oh, this map is retarded". That's not very constructive.
  2. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    It seems like you got the base idea for something that you can build upon and improve.

    The map looks very simple(no offense) and i bet you can make more complicated maps(more detail) but still using the s.m.a.r.t system idea. just something to think about.
  3. blue spider

    blue spider Forerunner

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    It was my first map using the system so I didn't wanna take a risk and make things too complicated. That's why I kept it simple looking, but i really feel like this plays well, and am getting started on a sequel. So can I take your reply as a sign that you might DL it? :)
  4. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
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    I myself have designed a map around parkour and a type of SMART system.
    Invite me on live sometime and i'll show you (GT:kavemanr)
    But looks nice, I had thought to base my own around evade but there were too many ways to fall this way.
    Mine is based around sprint and I added as many different paths as possible.
    I'll try to upload it next week.
    I'm wondering how the gametype is set up, such as how many hits you can take or etc
    But looks great, good concept, I'll give it a DL

    Can't wait for BrinK! :D
  5. blue spider

    blue spider Forerunner

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    thx kavemanr, i'll be sure to invite u to a game some time so we can show our gametypes to eachother, and i think i'll DL urs too once u've got it uploaded, as for how many hits u can take it's 100% or 90% damage resistance(I forget which), no shields, and 110 damage modifier

    p.s. I can't wait for Brink either!!!

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