City Limits

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by mthornley88, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. mthornley88

    mthornley88 Forerunner

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    Hello everyone, this is my first post on the Forgehub website. I have followed this forum and looked at many of the maps posted, and I decided to finally post one of my own maps.

    City Limits is a map that I began to build a few days ago, and I have worked vigorously on to finish. When I started the map I wanted to create one that was a fun 4 v 4 style map, located in somewhat of a city feel. It grew from a few blocks to becoming this map, which I feel is a great map for team slayer and king of the hill. It supports others such as oddball and multi-flag CTF as well.
    (Updated with a weapons list)
    Weapons List:
    Sniper x1
    Rocket x1
    Shotgun x1
    DMR x5
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Needle Rifle x1
    AR x5
    Plasma Repeater x1
    Plasma Grenades x4
    Frag Grenade x5

    Above is the plaza with the tower that includes the sniper. (165 sec, 1 spare clip)


    I also included a park area to the map, that has a rocket inside of the cave. (180 sec, 0 spare clips)


    With the open area included near the main building, there is a shotgun on the right side, leaning against the wall. (180 sec, 1 spare clip)

    Here are some other photos taken of the game map:





    The main reason I wanted to post this map was so that I could show others what I have made and what opinions they have of it. Since not very many of my friends play Halo anymore, I have not been able to test out this map very many times, and I'm hoping you guys will be able to give me an honest opinion on how the gameplay is for you, and how you think the forging is done. Thanks a lot in advance, and I hope you enjoy City Limits!
    #1 mthornley88, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
  2. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks very clean and has nice aesthtics...although I think the part throws off the city feel and was just placed there to fix the problem of there being grass...but in turn it does remove the feel of the just metallic maps which is nice...besides the park this maps reminds me of the odst halo in parts of the campain which I think you did a good job remaking...for a last note I would like a weapons list so I have a better idea of the gameplay on the map...keep up the good work...
  3. mthornley88

    mthornley88 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback. I actually started the map off as that little park area, and then went out from there. I considered using all of a city feel around the whole thing, but I ran out of materials first of all, and the map would seem a little too confusing to get around if it was all the same thing. The park just adds a different change of pace for the map, and it is something that helps get around the map. Thank you again for the feedback. As for a weapon list, I will try to update the post with one today.
  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it'd be pretty fun to play, but I would suggest making more groups of respawn points. This allows teams to spawn together if everyone is dead at the same time, and they're less likely to spawn in the opposite base too. This is even more crucial in objective games, and you might want to toy with spawn zones as well.
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very nice aesthetics. This map looks bright and colorful and not so metallic looking. I'm going to tell this to a thousand more people after you, but rock/grass "gardens" are VERY VERY over-used. Try to come up with a better way to use the tin cup. You nailed the city theme dead on though, I feel like I'm actually looking at a city not a forge map. The park is a nice touch as well. You managed to do a good job on this map, good forging and welcome to Forgehub.
  6. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    This map is beautiful, were you going for gameplay or aesthetics when you made this map, I'll have to give it a go with some buddies and see how it goes. Excellent job Th0rnley.
  7. mthornley88

    mthornley88 Forerunner

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    Thank you so much guys for the feedback. I just saw your comment, tempest, and I agree with you completely. I never really spent enough time on spawns and I sould have. I will try to fix them in some way, even though I am not too great with the spawns. Eight ball, I understand what you mean. This is the first map that I made with this kind of garden and I never really condisered another procedure to it, but I'm not sure changing this specific map would be worth it at this point. But for future maps I will certainly consider other ways of using grass and the tin cup. And lastly walrus, PLEASE tell me how it goes for you. I tested once or twice with my friends, but I never got real feedback. Any would be appreciated.

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