Hello Forgehub. I am back with a little something I whipped up today with the new "chess" variant that Bungie has provided for us. I thought I'd try to "spruce things up a bit" So, here you go! P.S. I'd love feedback. If ya don't mind ^Overview^ ^The Board^ ^Random Angle^ ^Yet another random pic^ ^Bishop ^ ^Damn Queen! You Scary!^ Action Shots ^Not without a fight!!^ Thanks for your time and feel free to criticize anyway you see fit (Just don't make me cry..)
Uuuuumm, I don't fully understand how this works. Could you explain how you play? Because this looks really cool just by itself and I would like to know what to do before I download and give the wrong feedback...
It's a ligit chess gametype. You're a monitor and when it's your turn you "possess" (<--?) a character you want to move. Certain spaces light up in the appropriate direction for that character. Then you move to one of the spaces. You actually attack an opposing piece. Fun fun fun.
Wait...is this a mod or somthing? How can you pick up and move a person? And how does it know where to move.? Im really confused.. EDIT: Bungie made it, i got it.
"Damn, Queen, you scary!" Lold. On to the map. It looks nice, but it looks like it could use some...visual flair. Try using the bottoms of large towers (I think) as walls, they make a neat pattern.
Oh my goodness. I haven't been on Halo for such a long time I didn't even noticed they added a game... Guess I'll be signing on soon to check it out!
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't add walls because all you do is add a marker labeled "Board center" or something like that. So it's hard to map out where to put walls.