this is a map where the attackers fall from the sky and into the water then die and the defenders try to kill them as they fall but the fallers have a chance at jumping to a floting base and grab a wepon download here-
You should really get into the habit of posting pics. Not that I care, but the multitudes of retardation that lurk here will try to say, 'You're not up to FH standards'.
lol i really should but i hait taking pics going to bungie then saving going to photobucket or any photo host providers and then upload and format to right size
nice that you got out of the map,but not much for the layout.The part where you have to jump whenever you spawn would be pretty hard,but quite nice map.3/5
thx but its just the chalnge its kinda like bird hunting but im acctually giving them a chance to take over so you now
Kind of been done before you should come up with some orriginal ideas for maps. People like new stuff.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
um i did this the day after halo3 came out i just never got to post it so really i made this and i havent seen anything like this so it is origanil
We all have broken out of the maps. Why post something old thats not up to date with all the new forge tecniques?
This isn't an aesthetic map. This should be posted in either casual or minigame forums. If I were you, I'd try to find a way to keep the people outside the map alive as long as possible and give them a chance of fighting back. To quote the others who have commented on this map, the idea is really overused, you're better off finding other applications for this technique.
all the forge teqniqu=es tat areused in there are basicly up to date because ive updated it since i first made it origanly it was just ouside the map and the attackers fell
My awesomest doesn't show too much. And I am also with Nemihara. You NEED to post pictures. There is limited space in one's hard-drive, and it doesn't to be clogged up with an unknown map.
Gos im sorry but u should really make a script."God i hate when that happen"lol.I laughed at that.The weapon placement looks a bit messy.The jummping is incredibly hard.I dont really like the video.I couldnt really see anything.That probaly y that weapon place ment is so bad.I could only here.And r u lazy?
haha the video makes me laugh..... and over here is a floating CRAP!!! I HIT THE DEATH BARRIER!!!! doesn't sound like the map would work very well
User Soren515: I find your derogatory use of the term 'gay' to be quite insulting. I am not homosexual, but did it ever occur to you that other members of this site might possibly be? It's sad, really, that you'll use a term like that in a way to insult someone else. What if I said, 'Oh, this guy is so damn straight, what a hetero.' Of course, that's not insulting, because that's what's considered the norm. What is normal? It's what the majority of people are. Normal. How hideous. Normal. If insulting, name calling, and derogatory terms is what's required to join this normal group, I'm glad that I'm not in it.