Description Players spawn in one of eight goal tower boxes either alone or in teams of two allowing for either 2-8 or 16 players. The game is played by shooting any of the four balls on the game field into an opponent’s goal tower causing a chain reaction that wipes out the contents of the tower. Games go to 25 points, suicides and betrayals have no penalty, 10 minute time limit.-Players- 2-8 or 16 (8 teams of 2) -Objective- score goals to kill opponents -Game duration- 25 kills or 10 minutes (no suicide penalty no betrayal penalty)The game begins when the four balls fall from the center of the map. The floor declines toward the center so that the balls will constantly return there if undisturbed. Because players' lines of sight to their opponents are completely broken and escaping the goal tower boxes is not possible, players are forced to earn kills by scoring any of the balls into enemy goal towers which blows up their opponents. The Idea for blast off started with a soccer type game in halo 3 that had teams of four stationed on either side of the arena type map. It hasn't stopped growing since, and now it is a huge fast paced game that supports 16 players. I never thought it would end up like this but I couldn't be happier with the outcome. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and support. Please enjoy the latest rendition of Blast-0ff!!! *UPDATE* New map fixes including a more responsive explosion and ball return system, and a taller goal opening paired with more ressesed man cannons for less precice scoring have been included. As well as a new gametype which supports infinite ammo and allows friendly fire. All in all fixing this map up. I also feel it should be noted that when a tower is destroyed it does not become active for 10 seconds. Also when a player spawns back into the game they are invincible for 5 seconds. Screens: Full aerial view of map View of goal towers Player point of view (from goal tower box) Shoot at the balls... ...Score goals on opponents... ...Blast-Off!!!
That was a fast update. Now I feel like those 2 rendered minutes I used for your last map wasn't put to its fullest. One mistake that I see most forgers do is when they have a great idea, they all of the sudden start making new versions in a flash, before giving it time or extra testing. Sadly this is what happened here. And thats what the testers guild is for, they can clear out mistakes before anything official. But since this is official, it won't become its best in time. There is no description under both game files, no tags, and no file sets. After doing a quick 1 person test, I noticed that you forgot to put on unlimited ammo. The map looks great, and the new system for the "blast-off" explosions looks promising, but problems still exist. The balls often would not leave the towers, fall back down to just be lifted back up again by a man cannon. Then cycle until it would finally leave the building. Your first version was also more challenging because of your choice of gravity lifts. The man cannons you used in this version would suck any balls (dont make any perverted jokes here) that came by, taking out the need to aim. I have not tested this with a lobby, but it needs work before I get there.
I appreciate your suggestions and the time and interest that you put into this game. However I would like to point out that I undertook this huge map mostly in hopes that it would end up in your TGIF rotation. I agree that there are flaws in the system but unfortunately due to the hyperextension of the parts available getting a 100 percent fix to these issues is very difficult. As I said before I really do appreciate you constructive criticism and I hope that you continue to take an interest in my maps in the future. A new fully repaired version of Blast-0ff!!! V2 is now up, fixing the problems you spelled out in your post, as well as a new gametype that has been fixed as well. Thanks for checking the map out! ^_^ I hope the fix makes the map more enjoyable.
Though there are problems as stated above, I think this is a great idea! This is like an 8 way soccer match well done and I will DL!
im sorry but i just tried this and me and almost everyone thought it was pretty tedious trying to knock a soccer ball into a little gravity cannon, and dying so suddenly is sometimes annoying because of this. in addition the fusion coils can be destroyed with out commiting suicide, and even if the enemy team make it in to your gravity lift the fusion coil still has a chance to not kill everyone in that small room
Thanks for the suggestions ThatNewGuy. I recently uploaded a newer version that has higher goals so that scoring is less difficult. Also after an hour of trying to figure out why people in the goal boxes weren't dying for you (they most certainly were for me) I realized that friendly fire was off, causing any suicide to not kill the teammate beside the explosion. This has also been fixed and uploaded. It is worth noting that when you respawn you are made to be invincible for a short time to avoid being ganged up on. Also each tower perposly is set up to take 10 seconds to reset for the same perpose. Thank you again for taking time to try out my map. I hope you will try again soon.