"The Brave" is my latest offering to you and is best described a large symmetrical map for 8-16 players and team slayer gametypes. The map is multi-tiered and posseses 3 distinct levels, "The Collesium", "Upper Deck" and "Top Deck". The Collesium is is the focal point of the map and is the central structure. It is the lowest tier of the design and as you can see houses the Energy Sword. From this area the rest of the map was really inspired. Whilst there are a few ragged edges around this section undoubtadely, however on the whole i find this to be a very aesthetically pleasing area. It is overlooked by the upper deck, adding to the risk/reward of obtaining the energy sword. The upper deck is the outer areas which surround the collesium. The most prominant features of this area are the side bases which house each teams respective rocket launcher, and the glass tunnels which house the shotguns. When travelling on this tier the options are to either travel around the periphery or straight through the centre. The top deck enable further travel between the two bases, and houses two sniper rifles. Admittedly the bases would be more aesthetically pleasing with more detail, however i had reached my limit for decoration. Enjoy. DMR(X8) Shotgun (x2) Assault Rifle(x2) Sniper Rifle (x2) Energy Sword (x1) Rocket Launcher (x2) Plasma Grenade (x4) Frag Grenade (x4)
I'm liking the creativity that's for sure. I like how you took the time to make a creative center-piece. That's usually what I do in my maps. The layout looks clean and the aesthetics looks great. Although, too much glass causes framerate issues. Is there any lag on this map? Also, add a weapons list, that would help. But this map is very unique, good work.
While the coliseum is great, i feel as if the rest of the map doesnt go along with it. All of the Map should have the same feel, or theme. But you have a good start with he coliseum. Workyur way up from there.
Great map! I'm looking forward to play some custom games on it nice work. I agree with Eightball, you need to include a weapons list so more people know what to expect when playing.
*Splutter* But..he...its....what!? Thats a pretty amazing looking map there! Im not sure what the gameplay is like, but from the aesthetics alone for a competitive map i give it a 9/10 Keep up the good work
Thanks for the good comments . Any criticism would be appraciated. The map's best with a manic big team slayer battle, as you'd might expect. (btw, there IS a weapons list, lol :S)